Chapter 17: Those Feels

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Last time Sayumi blurted out her new discovery. That she is in love with Trent. She is waiting on his reaction and honestly she is kinda scared of what it could be.

Sayumi's POV

I want him to do something. Shout. Scream. Laugh! Anything! ....well actually not that last one that would probably hurt me. But I needed him to react. And all he was doing was standing there....staring. Why was he staring? When I looked closer I noticed that he wasn't staring at me....he was staring past me. He always did this when thinking.

"So what you're saying is that you love me? Why?"

"Why......what do you mean why? Aren't you happy?"

"Sayumi....of course I'm happy. But you've got to remember that I know you. I know when you don't really know what you're doing and that's what's going on right now."

I couldn't believe him. He was telling me that I didn't know my own feelings?! Isn't this what he wanted? Why was he not happy? Why did I even care?
"I do know what I'm doing, Trent. And just because you don't see that doesn't mean that you know me so well. All it means is that you doubt me. You know what! Who cares who needs you anyway Trent Candor Pavlov?!!!"
Oops....did I just let that slip? Maybe he didn't hear that.

" do you know that name?"

No such luck.
"What do you mean? I've known you nearly all my life....of course I know you name." I said to him, but I never met his eyes. That was my dead giveaway despite my high pitched unsure voice.

"You're lying."

"No I'm not."


"I don't have to stay here. I'm leaving." I tried to go out the bedroom door but he did a simple side step that prevented me from being able to leave. "Move Trent."


"Excuse me!"

"No I'm not moving."

I whipped my head around so fast to glare at him....big mistake. The second I looked into his eyes I got lost. Lost in his blue orbs that had specks of green and around the center. They would turn gray whenever he was trying to contain his emotions.....why did I know that? I had not noticed that I was still looking into his eyes until he spoke.

"You should probably be careful not to strain your neck looking up at me like that."

I blushed feeling all flustered and looked away. "I wasn't looking at you. I was glaring at you. There is a difference you know."

"If you say so."

"Now move so that I can leave. Or are you going to hold me captive in here?" I snarled at him.

He closed his eyes tight and lifted his head releasing a breath of air. "Don't tempt me don't want what would happen."

"You're Trent. You won't do a thing. Besides I'm pretty sure I can hold my own. I always have against you." I dissmised what he said with a simple wave of my hand; still not backing down.

"You're not leaving here just yet Sayumi."

"Oh and why is that pray tell?!"


"Because what Trent." I demanded narrowing my eyes at him.

"Because... Because I said so that's why."

"Trent Cando-"

"Don't say it Sayumi."

"Or what?"

"Or I'll stop you."

"I'd like to see you try."

"I won't need to try I'll stop you. I promise you that. Don't say it."

I smirked a devilish grin and accepted the challenge. "Trent Can-"
You see I would have finished what I was saying but I was a little bit....preoccupied. Trent wasn't kidding. He did stop me from finishing what I was saying.
Because the second I uttered the syllables for his middle name he grabbed my face and capture my lips in one fatal swoop.
And yes I did mean fatal because I swear this kiss is going to be the death of me.

So so so!!!! What do y'all think???? What do you think will happen next? Comment! Vote! And of course continue reading!!!!!

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