Chapter 18: Just Ask Her!

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Sayumi's POV

I was melting. Melting into his kiss. It was so...what's the word I'm looking for? It was....urgh! This is going to sound so cliche! But it was so magical! His lips were warm but firm. The kiss wasn't a passionate one but he was right it was all he had to do to shut me up. It was perfect.
He broke the kiss and I immediately regretted that he did.

"Sayumi..." He said, more like breathed out in a whisper.


He smiled, "I told you I could make you stop."

"You cheated."

"Oh did I? So you didn't like it then?"

"I-I never said that!" I said all too flustered.

Trent chuckled and simply looked into my eyes. "I'm glad. I thought it was pretty nice too."

Wait a minute wasn't this the same guy that just told me that I didn't know what I was talking about when I confessed to him?! Why did he all of a sudden decide to kiss me?!
I pushed him away and folded my arms. This was all too confusing!
Trent's face was covered in confusion and all I could think was serves him right!
"Why did you do that?" I stated in the coldest tone I have ever used before. Even colder than when I found out that Kyle had convinced Kinsley (when she was younger) that I had tried to poison her food because I couldn't handle not being the cute one. Its a long story-don't ask.

"Wha- I you said that you liked it?!"

"I thought you said that I didn't know what I was doing when I confessed to you just a minute ago."
Just then it was as if realization had hit him.

"Sayumi, I wasn't rejecting you. I was just trying to tell you that I think we should take it slow. That I don't want to rush you and make you do something that you're not sure about. But I am sure about my feelings. I have been for a while now."

"So what you're saying is...."


"Damn, Onee-chan!!!! You're so dense!!!! Both of you are! Just hug and make out and accept that y'all are going out already!"

"Rachael!" Trent and I shouted in shocked unison.

"Hey, Onee-chan! What's up? Well besides the obvious need for the two of you to just agree to go now already."

"Rachael!" Trent warned her like she was about to do something dangerous. And by the looks of Trent it just may be so.

"No! I'm tired of waiting for my brother and Onee-chan to hook up! And so is Kins!"

"Hey! Don't put my name out there!"

"Too late now. Just come out so they can see you."

"Kinsley! Now!" I had my arms crossed and was tapping my foot in a rather impatient manner. My sister had peeped her head around the door to witness my wrath.

"What are you doing here?!"

"I told you I wanted to hang out with Rach today."

"Okay fine better question. How did the two of you know we were up here anyway? You haven't been home for like 3days now Rachael. I don't see how you could've slipped past the rentals."

"They were fine. Mom is actually the one who told us where the two of you were; she even told us to make sure to get some good news to bring back to her. You know mom."

*sigh* "Oh course she did. I sear we new to find that woman a new hobby. One that doesn't involve my love life."
Trent was pouting (he looked so adorable when he pouts!!! Did I just fangirl like that?!) he acted like he didn't love how Mom was always was into what we did. But we all knew differently. No matter how annoying, persistent, and just plain out crazy Mom could get Trent was forever a boy who loved his mom. I loved that about him. I mean in a totally and completely platonic way. Nothing more. Nothing less... I absolutely meant a platonic way.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2016 ⏰

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