Chapter 12: That Just Happened

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Okay so last time we got to glimpse at Sayumi and Trent's past and discovered how they met. We also found out that Trent blamed himself for his cousin's death.
But here's something that we all have to wonder. . . what will happen when they all go back to school and see Devin

Outfit up top is Sayumi's.

Sayumi's POV

I really wasn't ready to go back to school this morning. After everything that happened yesterday I didn't feel like doing anything.

Trent brought me home around 2 o'clock this morning. As usual my parents tried to convince him to just stay the night at our house just like his parents did to me when he told them he was going to take me home. You'd think our parents would be a bit more cautious about letting nonrelatives of the opposite gender sleep over.

"What am I going to wear today?"

"Why don't you wear something to that will make that Devin boy outrageously jealous?"

"That's not a bad idea." I spun around to find that it was my sister who said those words. *gasp* "How do you know about Devin, Kinsley?!"

"Because your friends called last night to check on you and thought I was you. Don't worry I covered for you so mum and dad don't know. But you're going to tell me everything. I'm your sister for heaven's sakes, and I didn't know a thing! Its not like I'm our bloody parents! . . . .you should've told me, Sayumi, you really should have."

I looked at my sister and say the tears welling up behind her ever present strong girl façade. She never cries...NEVER.

"You're right, Kins. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. You know what how about today after school we have a shimai-bi? Just you and me! And I'll tell you everything. Deal?"

"You mean it???!!! We haven't had a shimai-bi in ages!"

Kins wraps her arms around with and nearly knocks me to the ground with her hug. I smile and hug her back while patting her head.

"Watashi wa anata no imōto o aishi.(I love you, little sister.)"

"Watashi mo anata no Nee-chan o aishi.(I love you too, big sister.)"


I made it to lunch time and things were going well so far. I hadn't ran into Devin all day. I grabbed my lunch and sat at my table with my favorite people.

"Hey guys."


"What's wrong Chloe? Hey wait where's Vicky?"


"Okay what's up? Y'all are acting like I might explode with any word y'all say. Somebody tell me what's going on."


I turned around and released a sigh of relief. "Vicky. I was getting worried. You're always here before me and the guys weren't saying a word. I'm glad you're here."

"Oh are you really, Sayumi?"


"Don't play dumb."

"Vicky... what's-what's going on? What's wrong with you?"

"We are no longer friends. So don't talk to me anymore."

I swear if looks could kill. Vicky was throwing me some looks that would scare even grown men away.


"Shut up!"

I couldn't believe it. Vicky has never raised her voice at me before. We were never "besties" but we were friends...or at least I thought so.

"I don't speak to sluts."


"Stop right there!"

This is when Chloe and Sasha jumped up in my defense.

"Nobody calls her a slut you little witch!" Sasha was about to lose it, I had to stop her.

"Sasha...its alright."

"No its not, Sayumi!"

"She's right. Its not 'alright', Sayumi."

"Victoria, I don't know what's up with you but you need to stop this now." Trent was now standing in between me and Vicky as if creating a barrier to protect one of us. Which one I wasn't sure.

"Shut up, Trent! We're the ones supposed to be dating! Not-"

I saw tears well up in Vicky's eyes and that's when a thought crossed me. Had she overheard the "talk" in the locker room yesterday? Or had she seen something at that party last night?

"Vicky....." I reached out my hand trying to calm her down. But she wouldn't have it.

"What are you talking about? Of course we're dating. But you can't just go on a rampage for no reason. Especially not on my friends."

"Oh please, Trent. Devin and this picture say otherwise."

"What picture?"

"You two should really pay more attention to your surroundings, especially late at night in an open park."

"Vicky, no you misunderstand. We weren't-"

"Save it! I'm going to send this to everyone in this school and post it everywhere so that everyone can see that Trent Pavlov is a PLAYER!"

By now we had gained a crowd and why would we not? We were the unstoppable team and we were fighting. This was not pretty.

"Vicky, please listen to me."

"No, Sayumi, I'm done listening."

That was all she said before she stormed out of the cafeteria. And guess who was standing in plain sight with a smirk on his face. None other than the devil himself, Devin Archer!

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