Chapter 9: Life Is Never That Easy

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Life is never as easy as it seems. You may think you have everyone all figured out but stop take a minute to look at them and they just may surprise you.

Trent's POV

I knew I had to apologise to her. I spent all day trying to figure out some way to do it and came up with a blank. Yet here she is at a party I didn't even want to go to and I have the perfect chance to apologise. I can't screw this up!

Sayumi's POV

He's here. I can't believe it! Here I was freaking out about trying to find a way to apologise to Trent and he's here! At Greg's party! In a random room I just wandered into! I have to say this right I can't mess up this chance!

"Trent I just wanted to say-"

" Sayumi I just wanted to say-"

"You go first."

"No ladies first."

"Okay." *deep breath* Here goes nothing. "I'm really sorry about earlier. I wish we didn't fight. I was being stupid and I would hate to lose my best friend over the worldest dumbest argument."

"Okay four things. First of all I'm sorry too. Second, I wish we didn't either; I don't like fighting with my best friend. Third, the fight wasn't your fault. You're right I have been acting more like an overprotective big brother than your best friend lately and I can't really say I'm sorry because I will always want to look out for you but I will say that I'm sorry for making you upset. And lastly I'm your best friend, you wouldn't lose me beacause of a stupid fight like that." That's when Trent closed the gap between us and encased me in one of his hugs that I adore. "You'd never lose me." I don't think he really expected me to hear that because he whispered it so low that I'm not even sure he heard it.

"Well look what we have here!"

Even before Trent and I jumped apart, even before we turned around, I had a sickening feeling that I knew exactly who that voice belonged to.

"Devin. . . . . uh, hi." I don't how to explain it, but this situation was so awkward.

"Go on, Sayumi." Trent  whisped so that only he and I could hear.


"You need to give Devin an answer, so go ahead." I don't get this at all! Why was Trent agreeing to this so willingly? He's been acting so out of character tonight.

"I'm going to leave so that you two can have a chat. I'll catch y'all later." Trent pushed me towards Devin then left. Just like that! No 'Be nice to her or else" threats or something like that! Even if he's not acting like an overprotective big brother he's supposed to do that as a best friend! Urrrgh!!!

"Sayumi. . . ."

"What?! Oh, um sorry Devin. My mind is just kind of running all over the place right now."

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