Chapter 14: All In Due Time

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Ashton's POV

I could tell Trent heard every word that was just said. His confident attitude just vanished. So of course I did what any true to the bone best guy friend would do. I opened the door, pushed him inside and stepped away so they couldn't see me!

"What the heck, Trent!!!! Ever heard of knocking?!"

"Oh, please, Sasha, that boy never knocks. He always just mrachs right in here on a regular basis. I hear them all the time!"

"Kins! Stop talking. Anyway, hey Trent. Have you heard anything from or about Vicky yet? I know she really doesn't like me right now but I figure she'd probably try to get in touch with her boyfriend."

Uh-oh! This doesn't look good! Abort mission! Abort! Abort!

I marched in there like nobody's business, "Hey guys!"

"Ash! Oh my gosh its been too long!"

"Dido, Sayumi."

"Pokémon!!!" Kinsley screamed as she jumped up and tackled me to the ground in a great big bear hug.

"I swear, Kinsley, your hugs could send a grown man flying! And didn't I tell you to stop calling me Pokémon?"

"That's not happening! I've been calling you that for ages so don't expect a sudden change, dufus."

"Ummm...Kinsley who is this?" The new asked. Truth be told she was kinda cute.

"Oh! Sorry, Sasha, this is Ashton. Besides Sayumi he is Trent's best friend. We all basically grew up together."

"And pretty soon I might be your future brother-in-law. Depends on if my sister says yes to Kyle's proposal."

"Proposal!!!! You mean like marriage?!"

"One and the same."

"Why do you know and I don't! I just talked to him like 45mins ago!!"

"Calm down, Sayumi. Maybe he just wanted another guys opinion and figured that his girlfriend's brother may be the best person to ask."

"Oh is he going to get an earful when I'm through with him!"

"Shhh! Don't say anything! I wasn't supposed to spill to anyone!"

"Till this day you can't keep a secret can you, Ash?"

"Why don't you just shut it, Sayumi!"

Trent's POV

"Hey why don't you explain to me, the newcomer how Kyle and Ashton's sister started dating?!"

"Oh...sorry Sasha."

"I'll tell it this time, Sayumi. And I'll put my own edge to it."

"Of course you will it wouldn't be a story you told otherwise."

"Shut up, Trent!"

I couldn't help it. I needed to shake off that feeling of being rejected. You know the funny thing? I haven't even confessed yet?!

"Okay, so Kyle and Sophia met as kids. Actually their tale is a lot like Trent and Sayumi's."

"Except me and Trent don't have a tale! Right Trent?!"

"Huh......? Oh, right we don't have a tale so just don't go there...."


"Sayumi, be quiet! I want to hear the story!"

Thanks for the save Sasha. I doubt you even know what you just did.

"Anyway, Kyle and Sophia used to play in the garden together, go swimming, have sleepovers even went to summer camps together. But when the started getting older Kyle noticed that he had a thing for Sophia. But by then everyone did. That is everyone except for Sophia."

Sayumi's POV

Why is it that when Chloe said that everyone in the room except for Trent turned and looked at me? Sophia was kinda funny back then she was always so great at seeing others love lives but not her own. I'm glad I'm not like that.

"Really?! You think you're not like that?!!!"

"Huh??? Oops......did I say that out loud."

"Yes. Yes you did."

"Ash, no I didn't mean it in a bad way! You know I love Sophia!"

"It's not Sophia I feel sorry for, Sayumi. I feel sorry for the fact that you could be so naïve! You go around just like my sister head to. Thinking she knows it all especially when it comes to live but in reality the one guy that you both really need, the one guy that's always there for you is the one guy you'll always overlook!"

"Ash....what are you talking about? It can't be don't have a crush on me right Ash?"

"Of course I don't!!!! I'm talking about Trent for heaven's sake!!!"

"What?! What is it with all of you! Seriously!!! Why is everyone acting like this today?! Trent can you please tell them that we are best friends and you're not interested in me that way. That you love Vicky and she's the one you are dating."

I was expecting Tent to dispute every word of nonsense that our friends were spewing. But what I say instead caught me off guard. I saw Trent avoiding my gaze and he looked. . . .ashamed? Why was Trent acting like this, now? What's going on?!


"Is sorry, Sayumi I can't. I can't deny what they are saying because its all true."

".....what?" I know my voice came out more like a gasp but I was- I was-speechless would be the best word for it. Yea. I was speechless.

So what does all this mean for Trent and Sayumi? What's going to happen with Kyle and Sophia? And let's not forget Victoria and Devin. Keep reading to find out!

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