Chapter 3; Jealousy Killed The Dog

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The picture is of Chloe. And last chapter was a picture was of Sayumi.
For real this may not be a pretty chapter. I read something a little upsetting and thus this chapter will be victimized to be my venting chapter.

Trent's POV

I can't believe Sayumi is just falling into that creep Devin's arms. I've been friends with her for ages and she never gave me a second look! Woah! Am I jealous?! No! There's no way! He's Chloe's cousin and Sayumi barely knows him. Besides Victoria and I are dating. I shouldn't be thinking of Sayu- any girl like this. I'm not single. Ugh! Victoria and I were supposed to go to the movies today on a date! I should be getting ready. I'll call her ad see when I'm supposed to pick her up.
*ring ring ring* it rang three times before she picked up. "Hello?" She answered like she was just waking up. Why is she only just waking up?

"Hi Vic."

"Trent?", she sounded confused, " Why are you calling? Is there something wrong?"

"Ummm, no. I was calling to see when I should pick you up for our date."

"Trent did you look at the time?"

"Yea. Its 3 o'clock."

"In the morning, Trent, in the morning."

Oh. "Sorry. I didn't realize."

"Is there something wrong with you Trent? You've been kinda out of it for a couple of days now. I'm starting to he worried."

"No I'm fine, sorry for waking you up. I talk to you later. When its not still dark outside."

"Ok, bye Trent."

Wow. Was I really that worried about Sayumi and that stupid Devin guy?! But why am I so worried? He doesn't seem 'bad' its just- I don't know there's just something about him.


I got to school and I was still in a bad mood. But what I saw next made things even worse.

"Top of the morning to ya, Trent!" Sayumi shouted out across the hall. She was way to cheerful. Don't get me wrong I love her cheerful self but its not even 8 o'clock and she's smiling like its the weekend.

"Hey Sayumi. Hey Chloe. What's up?"

"Same old same old. Oh yea, apparently Dev is going to be in most of our classes. He texted me his schedule last night."

"Is that so?" Sayumi stated.

Great now I had to deal with him during class too. And why in the world was Sayumi trying to hide her blush behind her locker? More importantly why was she blushing?! And why do I care?!

" I thought I told you to stop calling me Dev, Chloe," speak of the devil, "Good morning Sayumi."

"Hi Devin."

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