Chapter 15: Revealed

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So last we heard Sayumi wanted Trent to dispute everything that their friends were saying. Everything about Trent liking her, but instead Trent said he can't deny what they said because its all true. What's Sayumi's reaction? What does this mean for Trent and Sayumi's friendship?

Sayumi's POV

"What do you mean you can't deny it?"

"Sayumi....its true."

"No! No Trent! You are dating Vicky! You are in love with your girlfriend! Your GIRLFRIEND, Victoria!"

Kins came next to me and tried to put her hand on my shoulder to calm me down, but I shook her off.

"Sayumi....please." Trent's pleading voice was so loud. It was all I could hear. But this is all wrong. Trent-He likes Vicky. He's dating Vicky!

"Sayumi, I'm not as perfect as you think I am. Yes I'm dating Victoria, but I noticed that although I started dating her while I liked her...I still had someone I loved more. That someone is you. Its always been you."

"No! Its just because we grew up together. Its because we do everything together. Its because both us and our families are so close. You don't really like me...."

"Sayumi, I-"

"NO! Everyone leave!"


"Sasha....just don't. Please just"

"Okay. We'll go. But I expect you to call me later Sayumi Gloria Albright."

"Yea....okay Cloe...I'll think about it."

After they all left I just sank to the floor. How could this be happening? Trent....Trent likes me? But I'm friends with Vicky, his girlfriend. No wonder she thinks I'm trying to steal him away. This can't be right.... Everything is just to complicated right now...


I heard something vibrating. I was probably my phone. I searched the floor for my phone.

"Moshi moshi."

"Chotto shisu(hey sis)."

Mmmm...."Anata ga ani o shitaidesu?(What do you want older brother?)"

"Oh c'mon on Sis. Can't a big brother just all to check up on his little sis?"

See yes my big brother is great. Even though he moves out long time ago he still calls and visits and takes us places all the time. But I know when my brother is up to something. He has this sound in his voice when he is up to something. And he had that sound right now.

"Yes he can. But that sister also knows when he's up to something. So I'll ask again, what do you want, Kyle?"

"Okay fine you caught me, Sayumi. Now tell me this, you're in your room curled up on the floor again aren't you?"

Honestly if Kyle hadn't said anything I don't think I would have noticed that I had fallen asleep. But he was right. I was curled up on the floor....again.

"No....not at all." There's no way I'd let him know he was right.

"Nee-chan, don't try it. I know when you're upset. And every time you're really upset you curl up on that floor and cry yourself to sleep unconsciously. So tell me what happened."

*sigh* "Mattaku! Watashi ga oshiete yarou Nii-chan!(Fine! I'll tell you, big brother!)" Geez he can be so annoying sometimes! But he is my brother and is only looking out for me.

"So Trent told me that he likes me but he is dating Vicky. And the school is already in a big uproar because Chloe's cousin told Vicky that I was trying to steal Trent away from her and now she hates me and she's out to get me and I don't have time to be worrying about Trent and his absurd thoughts right now. And worse of all everyone said its about time Trent confessed are they all crazy?! Trent is dating our FRIEND!"

Kyle listened for a bit then he started to speak his mind.

"I agree."

"Thank you! At least someone is still sane around here!"

"No, Sayumi, I agree with the others. Its about time Trent told you his long surpressed feelings. Its just sucks that he waited so long. Now I have to go and beat the crap out of this punk Devin for messing with my sister!"

"What do you mean 'long suppressed feelings'?"

"Sayumi, Trent fell for you way back when. That time that you found him at the garden in between our homes. That's when he fell for you."

"Kyle, that was like 10years ago! And how would you know?!"

"When it happened has nothing to do with it Nee-chan. Besides I've known for a while but Trent finally had the guts to tell me when I confronted him."

"And when was this?"

"It was 4years ago at my graduation. I went up to him and told him that he better not hurt you just because I'm headed off for a bit. I told him that I knew he liked you and better tell you soon before some scumbag tried to sweep you away and I had to go to jail for putting him in his place."


I can't believe this really happening? Did everyone know? Even Kyle?! Why was I the only one? Am I really that blind?

"Wait....Kyle? How did you know Devin's name? I didn't say it before and I've never mentioned him to you before....."

So where will all of this lead?

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