Chapter 11: Things might be changing. . .fast.

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Life was different now. I was different now. Ever since that day nothing stayed the same.

Trent's POV

I don't know what I was thinking. It just kinda happened. All I know is that that creep Devin messed with Sayumi and now she was trying to save face and tell us to go and rest when she's still shaken up. Sometimes I wish I didn't know my friend so well.

"Trent where are we going?"

Chloe had dropped us off at my house and left, but I didn't want Sayumi to have to stay at my place so we grabbed my car and left. And to be honest I wasn't sure where I was driving to, I just got in and drove.

"We're going to our spot."

"Mmhm. . .okay. We haven't been there in a long time."

"Yea." I looked to my right where she was sitting to she that she had drifted off to sleep with a smile on her face. It was a sweet little smile, and it made me remember why I actually became friends with this girl next to me.


"What's your name?"

"Its none ya."

"Well that's a new name. Its doesn't really sound like a name actually. Mine name is Sayumi."

"What kinda name is that! That's not a name."

"Its Japanese. My Okaa-San picked it out for me."
This girl has to be dumb. She was smiling like I just complimented her or something.

"Yea whatever." What's her problem can't she tell that I want her to leave me alone?!

"So when's your birthday?"


"When's your birthday?"


"Beeeecause, I like to know my friends birthdays."

"When did I become your friend? And why do you keep bothering me?!" This girl is absolutely insane! Why couldn't she just leave me alone!!!

"I said you're my friend."


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