Chapter 2: Expected?

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I can't believe that guy just waltzed up to my car like he owns it! Its MY car! I burst through the doors so I could tell this guy to get away from my car!

"Ummm. . .excuse me but this is my car. Are you looking for something?" I wasn't in the mood to be nice to this complete stranger.

He let out a deep chuckle, "You're still the same as expected, aren't you, Sayumi."

Who is this guy?! First he walks up to my car like nothing and then he starts talking like he's known e forever and this is just a 'hey how've you been kinda talk'. But I still don't recognize him, not by his voice the back view that I have of him anyway.

He started to turn around then he starts staring once he saw me.

"I was wrong, you have changed, Sayumi, you look even more gorgeous now," he said before winking at me.

"I'm sorry but do we know you?" Chloe and Trent were now next to me and I was glad because this guy was starting to creep me out.

"Don't worry Chloe, Sayumi and I are old friends. Aren't we?"

"Ummm, excuse me! I don't know who you think you are or where you came from but here we don't just put our arm around a girl's shoulder." Trent said this just before I flipped Mr. Conceited onto his backside.

*cough* *cough* "So I'm guessing you did end up taking those judo classes."

While he talked and attempted to get up after that hit, his hood and shades started to fall off his face. And let me just say WOW! This guy wasn't bad to look at. I mean if you ask me Trent was still better looking (by a couple hundred miles) but he's like a cousin to me.

"Sweetheart, stop staring at him!" Chloe just had to break through my thoughts!

"What are you talking about!? I still don't even recognize this- Wait, Chloe isn't this guy Devin!!!! Devin Archer, your cousin?!"

"Woah!!!! Devin???!!!! Holy Crap, Dev what happened to you?! I didn't recognize you!"

"Ugh! Yes Chlo, its me. But I wish you wouldn't call me Dev I'm not 6 anymore."

"So anyone mind explaining to me who this guy is?" Trent said in a disapproving tone.

"Sorry man. I'm Devin Chloe's cousin, and I met Sayumi when we were in middle school. I think we were in 7th grade. She was fusing out Chloe over some guy when I walked into Chloe's room. End of story."

"Except he forgot to mention that he came in my room when we were changing to go the movies!"

"So of course Sayumi taught me a lesson to make sure that I never walked in on them again. I was black and blue for weeks."

"Hey! The swelling went down and I didn't leave that many marks! And in my defense you did kinda deserve what you got."

"Point taken I guess." Devin just shrugged and put on the cutest smirk I've ever seen. WAIT! Did I really just think that?!

"How come I've never met you before? I know all of Sayumi's real friends," Trent didn't seem pleased with all of this.

"Well I guess its a good thing we're meeting now then," Devin was speaking in such a venomous tone that for a second I really couldn't recognize him!

"Or maybe you weren't important enough to meet."

Okay hold up! What's going on her?! Devin seems evil and Trent, Trent's gone crazy! He never talks to anyone like that! NEVER! These two seemed to have a personal vendetta going on here!

"Hold up you two! Why are y'all about to kill each other?! Trent this isn't like you! And Devin if you plan on staying my friend then you better treat my best friend better than that!" I can't stand it when my friends argue.

"Sorry," they said in unison with these sad puppy dog eyes.

"Good. Now we better get going before we're late for class. Who's riding with who?"

"Sayumi, I'll ride with Trent and I know Devin will need a ride so just let him ride with you." Even Chloe had good ideas sometimes.

"Okay, I'll see y'all in class." I headed to my car with Devin in tow. When I looked out the window I saw Trent still seething, but like the gentleman he was he opened the car door for Chloe. And they started to drive off.

Chloe's POV

I knew that Devin might have been coming back but I didn't know when. And now it seem like things are going to get interesting.

"Trent. . . .Trent. . . . . TRENT!"

"What Chloe?"

"I know you're mad but you don't have a right to be mad at me! So watch your mouth Mister," I was not going to put up with this boy sulking.

"Sorry Chloe, you're right."

"You know I am! Now Trent you know you better hurry up and make your move."

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb with me Trent! I know you like Sayumi. And if you don't hurry up and make your move I know for sure Devin will!"

"Chloe, I'm dating Victoria! Besides Sayumi wouldn't fall for Devin."

"Well you better hope so, because I know Devin has fallen for Sayumi. And he won't hesitate to make his move."

Sayumi's POV

Ugh! If these boys are going to keep acting like this then I was going to need more girl nights than Chloe has had since 6th grade.

"So Sayumi I want to ask you something."

"Oh? What is it?"

"Would you like- would you- could you"

"What is it Devin?!"

"Will you be my girlfriend?! . . . .Please?"

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