Chapter 1: And It Starts

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"But you don't even know him, Sayumi! He's just per-"

"Chloe, don't you dare finish that word. Do you know how many guys you've told me were 'perfcet'? Yet you always come to me for advice and they always end up being bad news might I add."

Sigh, "Yea I know but he's different, I swear!"

"When was the last time you saw him?"

"Ummm. . . . . .six weeks ago."

"When was the last time you two talked on the phone?"

"Five weeks and three days."

"And one of your close friends said they say him in the parking lot of the very movie theater that you work at, on the day you were working, making out with another girl."

"Maybe. . .maybe you're right Sayumi. I should probably just forget about him."

I placed my hand on my best girl friend's shoulder, "I know, honey, but if he's too blind to see what he's got and wants to keep shopping around for more, then let him. Besides let's have a girl's night. Ice cream, movies and no sleep whatsoever!"

"You know what Sayumi?"


"You're a great friend."

"Oh, I know," I smiled at my best friend. Chloe Dumont always seems to get herself into situations like this and she always comes crying to me about some guy each time. Don't get me wrong I love my girl and I'll do whatever I can to help her out, but I've never been serious about anyone that I've dated so I don't really understand why she always puts so much trust in the guys she dates. "Let's go grab something to eat before class starts."

"Alright and Trent said we should meet him at McDonald's."

See the thing about our highschool is that it's huge and I mean huge! We have a McDonald's in the middle of campus. Like literally smack dab in the middle. And did I mention that each building in the highschool is at least 5 stories high? Yea, not your average highschool. And Trent Pavlov is my g.oa.t. (greatest of all time) best friend. We've known each other since kindergarten, went to the same school together in elementary, and play on the same club teams when we were younger. I even call his parents mom and dad. We have and always will be close.

We hopped out of my car when we got to McDonald's and went inside since it was freezing cold outside.

"Its about time you two got here, I've been waiting for hours!"

"Oh quit exaggerating, Trent, its barely 7:30 in the morning. And we all know that you only just got here too. Your car is still warm."

"Sayumi, you know he can't help it, he whines like a little girl all the time," Chloe teased.

"I do not!" Trent whined defensively.

"Please, Trent, we all know that I'm the closest thing to manly in this group," I stated without a second thought.

"Sweetheart, I wouldn't be so proud of that if I were you. This is the reason that you never get any dates," Chloe dished out.

"Wait-Hey!!!!! I take offense to that!" This is why they were my best friends, we were all really close and didn't mind messing with each other.

I turned around so I could tell the cashier that I was getting my usual (I always ate here when I drove to school so all the cashiers knew me) , but then I realized something out the corner of my eye. There was someone at my car! And they were trying to break in!!!!

Hey guys!!!!! I'm going to tryout this story and see what y'all think. Cast will be decided in the next chapter. Hope you like the story! Leave comments and whatnot! Thnx!!!!!!!!! (3

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