Chapter 10:

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She's your best friend, and nobody is allowed to mess with that.

This pic is for one of my beeeeeeest friends because there's a guy she likes and the feeling is mutual, so I'm just remaining him not to mess with her.

Enjoy the chapter guys!

Sayumi's POV

"Devin did what?! Wait til I see that piece of scum again, he won't be able to walk right for a long time!" That's Sasha for you. You can say and do almost whatever you want to her and she'd get over it, but mess with her friends and not even the S.W.A.T. team could stop her.

"I tried to warn you about him. I to-"

"Don't say it, Chloe."

"Fine. Hmph! But you know its true."

"Well if she can't say it then I will, we told you so!"

"Trent, shut up." He may have stopped talking but now he had a smug grin on his face. Looord, these friends of mine.

"No, but seriously, Sayumi, don't ever go near that stupid cousin of mine again. At least not by yourself, because I know you even though he did all this crap you'll still be the one to forgive him and say that he's can't be all bad."

"We are definitely not letting you near him again! Who knows what he'll do next time. Why am I the only one this mad? Chloe why aren't you madder than me? He's your freaking cousin!"

"I'm driving, Sasha, at least one of us needs to keep a leveled head and it might as well be the driver."

"We're all upset, its just that Sasha has a tendency to get very emotional and goes a bit far. Chloe shows her angry by silence, and that's when its the worst, she just refuses to admit it. Trent already 'dealt' with Devin so I think he's calm now-"

"I wouldn't bet on it if I were you."

Why do these guys have to give me so much trouble? Well Yea I know they care about me, but I swear sometimes they drive me insane.

"Wait. . . .guys where are we headed?"

"Well, I told my mom that I'd be home around 12:30, so I don't really want to go back yet."

"Sweetheart, its 11:45 and you told your mom 12-12:30. Are you sure you don't want to just go home?"

I'm so insensitive. Chloe and Sasha were probably having a great time at the party but I had to go and ruin their night for them, plus they must be exhausted, all three of my friends.

"I guess you're right. I'm just going to head home."

"No you're not."


"Chloe drop us off at my place. You and Sasha should get so.e rest, I'll chill with Sayumi."

"Alright, Trent."

"No, Trent, its fine really. Its late and y'all need some rest. I'll ju-"

He leaded in so close to me that I could nearly hear his pulse in his neck. Why does that put my stomach in knots?

"No, Sayumi. You have a screwed up experience tonight and I refuse to leave you at your house just to lock yourself in your room, while you cuddle up with hot cocoa, a blanket and a stuffed animal just for peace of mind." He was speaking so low that his voice came out husky, but since he was whispering into my ear only I could hear him. But I did.

"What makes you think I'm going to do that?" I knew the answer even before he said; it was a dumb question.

"I've known you my whole life, Sayumi."

*sigh* I guess I'll be finishing off my night with Trent. A least that's way better than how it started.

Happy New Years Everyone!!!!!!
Short chapter I know. I love that there are 150views but I would love some comments and ☑votes guys!

Thnx 4 reading!!!!!

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