Chapter 7: Is it Really Worth It?

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Hey guys! Sorry about the sudden character change, but I thought that Greg Sulkin fit the role of Trent better. Also thanks for the 116 views!!!!! (3 I know to some that's not that big of a deal, but I'm grateful! It makes me want to make this story absolutely perfect! Thnx again everyone!

Recap: Trent and Sayumi aren't on speaking terms. Chloe finds out about it and lectures Sayumi about not thinking about her friends. Trent misses futball practice which is very strange for him. And Sayumi gets worried. The rest of the girls futball team start saying that Trent is in love with Sayumi and not his girlfriend, Victoria. Victoria over hears and runs away now deciding that Sayumi is her enemy.

Sayumi's POV

"I can't believe this!!!!" I slammed my fist against a near by locker. "Trent and I have been best friends since we were in elementary and we have no romantic connections whatsoever! He and Vicky are dating and I'd advise that none of you say a word about this to her. Because if you hurt her I'll make practices a living nightmare! Do I make myself clear?!" I was beyond pissed now.

"Yes Captain," the tram said in a united tone of defeat.

"Good! I will be leaving now." I turned to Sasha, "I'll be waiting outside, k."

Turning to leave I saw Chloe around the corner. I wasn't sure how long she had been there and I hoped that Vicky wasn't close by.

"Chlo. . . .ummm. . .how long were you there? And where's Vicky?"

"We need to talk outside. Now." She heard more than enough alright.

"Okay. So ummm. . . . . ."

*sigh* "Sayumi. I know that you care about your friends. And honestly I get it. But be more careful next time please."

What? Now I was absolutely confused. "Wait what do you mean?"

"You love us. You love Trent, whether as a best friend or not that's not the point. You love me. You love Vicky. And no matter how much it erks me you even love Devin. You love your friends to a point I almost understand, and I get it. But please in the process of protecting and loving us don't push us away. Okay?"

I had to smile at my best gal pal, she is the best. And I would miss her if way too much if she and I got in a real argument. If the choice was her or Devin I'd pick her no questions ask. But if that's true then. . .why can't I pick Trent over Devin? I had to think was this stupid argument ment really worth my best friend in the history of all time and space? I wrapped my arms around Chloe. "Thanks! You know you'll always be my bae right?"

"So this means our wedding is still on for next month right?"

"Duuuh!" Okay no we aren't really engaged. Its just an inside joke between us. "Hey, uh Chlo. . .where's Vicky?"

That's when she turned away from me. She can't lie to my face so this is always a telltale sign.

"I'm not sure. She uh. . .she ran away after hearing your team say that Trent loves you and not her. Sorry."

"No, its not your fault. But I'm going to have to talk to her. I need to explain."

"Before you do that you should really make sure that you want Vic and Trent together."

"What do you mean?"

*sigh* "Nothing."

"Alright girls I'm ready to goooo!"

Sasha ran up and hung her arms around our shoulders from behind.

"Hahahahahaha! Okay girly! Let's go!"

The three of us hoped into Chloe's car(yes its her turn to drive, we carpool) and headed to my place. Girls night at home here we come! I was really lookin forward to some R&R at home my girls(unfortunately Vicky's not with us).

"So ladies I heard Greg is throwing a party at 7! Let's go! Let's go!!!!"

"But I wanted to relaaaaaax!"

"Who cares about relaxing! Parties are better!"

"She's right Sayumi! Let's go party!!!" Of course Chloe's down with this.

*sigh* " Fiiiine! I guess we can go."

"Yes!!!" Chloe and Sasha high-fived and I had a sickening feeling that I might be regretting this soon.

"Now we can finally make her wear something CUTE!!!"

I knew it.

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