Chapter 5; Is This Real?

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I know the song doesn't relate to this chapter and I'm really sorry guys. I had a pretty AMAZING day (3 , and then everything turned crappy =< . But I choose this song because it made me feel better.

Warning: Yes this is going to be a short chapter. Sorry.

Anyway don't forget to comment and whatnot guys. And if you can/want you can always message me. (=

Sayumi' POV

I can't believe he through a hissy fit! He needs to grow up! Can't he see I don't need another big brother? All I want is my fugnugget bagel of a best friend back. Dang it! I have futball(soccer) practice today. And so do the boys. I swear if I wasn't captain I would skip today. I'm really not up to seeing that boy right now. *sighs*

"Sayumi!" I turned around to see Sasha Dempsey, one of my teammates, running towards me with her usual enthusiasm."Are you ready for practice???"

"Actually I'd rather skip practice today."

"What?!!!! The Sayumi Albright, captain of every futball team she's ever been on, a bigger futball enthusiast then every guy out there?! Wants to skip PRACTICE?!! What did Trent do?"

I had to laugh. See Sasha wasn't just another teammate. She was my gal pal, she was my knight on the field and next to Chloe and Trent she was my closet friend in the world! So she knew me pretty well. Whenever I didn't want to go to practice she would grill me about being a sourpuss, force me to go, then she would demand that I spent the rest of the day with her, forgetting about Trent. Today was another one of those days.

"You know I really think you should just forget about him. He is always turning you into a sourpuss."

"Not always. We only fit once in a blue moon."

"Still too often for my liking. Why'd y'all fight this time anyway?"

"He wants to play the big brother role instead of my best friend role. I mean who is he to tell me if the guy I'm interested in is good or bad?!"

"Wait, what guy?"

"Chloe's cousin Devin, the new guy, he asked me out yesterday. But anyway can yo-"

"Whoa! Hold up!!! Did you say that the new guy asked you out????!!!!"


"What?! He's a hottie so for your sake I hope you said yes or I'm taking him!"

"Hahahahaha! He's alright, Sasha."

"Alright?!!! Girl that boy is the definition of fine, he's the reason the geeks believed in demigods, he's the reason they made sunglasses, he can make fire jealous! He is H.O.T hot!!!"

"I've seen better. And I haven't answered him yet."

*groans* "You probably think Trent is the definition of a hot guy. Why didn't you say yes?"

"I don't remember much about him. We met when we were in middle school and only a couple of times."

"Well. . . you can always say no. That way I can take him!"

*gasp* "Sasha!" I slapped her arm playfully. "And you're supposed to be my friend!"

"Hahaha! Hey friends gotta get dates too. Besides you and Trent look better as a couple anyway."

"Trent and I aren't romantically attracted to each other. We're just friends. And we probably aren't anymore."

"You may just be friends, but Trent isn't."

"What does that mean?" She had seriously confused me now. She was looking at me in disbelief, like I just asked her the dumbest question ever. She stands in front of me then wraps her arms around me. And says with all seriousness.

"Don't worry child, you will soon learn of your fatal mistake."

"What the heck, Sasha! Let's go before we're late for class."

We walk in and were the second ones there. Unfortunately, Trent was the first and I did not want to see him right now. I walked all the way to the back of the class in order to avoid sitting my regular seat next in between Trent and Sasha. Trent didn't even acknowledge me! This was going to be a looong day. And this "fight" may be even longer.

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