Part 1

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Chara POV

'What is happening? Where am I? Where is mom and dad? Where's Azreial? Why am I alone?' I think to myself as I slowly stand up. "Huh!?" I shout as I notice myself floating. I look down at my hands and I can see right through them. 'Right....I died. Me and Azzy went to the surface. But why am I back here?' I think as I look around the cave I am in. I see a human laying on the ground. Sun lands on them and they lay in a bed of yellow flowers. I hate yellow flowers.

I walk... er float to them. I try to shake them but my hands just go right through their body. "Right. Dead." I say to myself. I sigh and float around the cave, trying to get used to this new feeling. "Ughh." I hear the human moan. I quickly float over to them. "Are you okay?" I ask them. They jump and scoot back a little. "Who are you?" They ask. "Sorry don't be scared. I'm Chara. Whats your name?" I ask. "I'm... Frisk. Where am I? Why are you floating?" Frisk asks me.

"Well, you fell though Mount Ebot. Your in the monsters underground. And I died. So i'm a ghost." I tell them. "Monsters? G-ghosts?" Frisk asks scared. "D-don't freak out! I-if their all still the same as they where when I was alive, they won't harm you. You'll be safe!" I tell them. "And I can't even touch you! So I can't hurt you." I say. Frisk nods their head and slowly gets up. "Will you come with me?" Frisk asks. "Uh if you will have me. I don't know how long its been scince ive been... awake." I tell them.

Frisk looks around and then follows a dark cordor. I quickly float after them. After a minute of walking/floating we end up in a darkly light room. In the center has light shining and another patch of yellow flowers. "Howdy!" A yello wflower monster says with a smile. "Frisk, I've never seen that monster before." I tell them. Frisk nods a little. "Im Flowey. Flowey the flower! Golly you must be new around here. You must be so confused. Here, Let me help you!" Flowey says.

"Frisk I have a bad feeling." I whisper to them, even though no one else can hear me. "I'll teach you everything you need to know down here!" Flowey says. I watch as Frisks soul gets pulled out of their body. Its red. Like mine used to be. "See that heart!? Thast your soul! The very culmination of your being!" Flowey begins. "Your soul starts off weak. But you you can grow strong by gaining a lot of LV." Flowey says, a smile on tis face. I see Frisk relax and smile at the flower. 

Everything Goes Black - Undertale Chara X FriskWhere stories live. Discover now