Part 2

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Chara POV

"Whats LV?" Frisk asks. "LV!? Well thats LOVE of vourse! You want some love, don't you?" Flowey asks. Frisk nods. And i grow more weary of the flower. "Don't trust them Frisk." I say. But they ignore me. "Don't you worry! I'll share some with you! Down here LOVE is shared though little white friendliness pellets." Flowey says as littl epellets float around them. "Go ahead and grab as many as you can!" Flowey says. "Frisk Don't!" I quickly say. They look at me and then back at the flower. Frisk douges the pellets.

"Hey buddy, you missed them. Try again!" Flowey saystheir fair turning mad for a spli second. More pellets float up. This time Frisk lets a few touch them. But thye get hurt. "Frisk carful!" I shout. "Are you okay?" I ask as I float closer to them. Frisk nods and looks at the flower with some fear. I look at it as well and I see its evil face. "Hehehe. You STUPID human. In this world its kill or be killed. Why would anyone pass up and oprotunity like this?" Flowey asks. I float back a little as Frisk steps back.

Pellets suround Frisk and I watch as they get closer and closer. Flowey laughing the whole time. At the last secopnd a fire ball hit Flowey and they quickly disapear. None of the pellets hit Frisk. I look over and my eyes widen. I see her. My mom. Queen Toriel. I watch as she comforts Frisk. I wish that could be me. My heart breaks a litle when i notice how sad her eyes are. I slowly float behind frisk as thye follow mom into the ruins. I keep silent as mom teaches Frisk the puzzles.

'Why is she here? Where's dad? Where's Azzy? Why is she in the ruins? Home is at the core. The castel isn't near here.' I think to myself. After a while mom leaves me and Frisk in a room alone. "Do you know her?" Frisk asks me. I nod my head. "Who is she?" Frisk asks. "She is.... Was." I correct myself. "My adoptive mom. I don't understand why she's here? She's so far from home." I tell Frisk as I look to where Mom left at. "I'm sure everything is fine." Frisk tells me with a smile. "Yeah... I'm sure your right." I say with a deep breath.

"Nowwwww... Lets go explore." Frisk says as they look at me. "But mom told us... told you to stay here." I tell them. My heart hurting when I remind myself Mom can't see or hear me. "Yeah but who knows when she will be back. And I want to look around. Don't you want to look around?" Frisk asks. "Well... yeah but-." Frisk cuts me off. "Come on, what are you? Scared?' Frisk asks me. "No of course not! Let's go!" I tell Frisk as I puff out my chest. Frisk smiles and walks out of the room. I quickly follow them. 

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