Part 11

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Chara POV

"Do it Chara." Insanity tells me. They force me to kill mom. And papyrus, and monster kid, and all the frogits. I have to kill everyone. I hate it. But.... I'm numb now. I stopped caring. I just do what they make me do. Soon everyone is dead. And Frisk restarts. "Do what you want. I'm done for now." Insanity says. My body gets more solid as they go away. Frisk looks at me with a sad smile. "How about we get everyone out of here now?" Frisk asks. I look at them. I know my eyes are dull. And I look more lifeless than I normally do.

I follow behind as Frisk goes around and helps everyone. Soon we're alone with Sans. "What are you doing?" Sans asks. "They're done now. I'm getting everyone free." Frisk says with a smile. Sans nods and walks away. We go to the core and after a fight. Which we don't hurt anyone. We break the barrier. The six souls surround us as the monsters leave the underground. "You have saved everyone. After a long long time. But we want to do something. Chara." The purple soul says. "You've been brave." The orange soul says.

"You've told the truth no matter what." The blue soul tells me. "You've waited until the perfect time to speak and do everything." The cyan soul says. "You've tried to save people." The Yellow soul says. "You tried to keep a smile on your face and treat everyone with kindness." The green soul tells me. "You've kept hope in your heart. Hope the monster will be free." The whitish gray soul says. "Now we give you back what you've missed. A soul." All the souls say together. A bright light surrounds me. And soon everything goes black.

I wake up and look around. Frisk is kneeling down next to me. They touch my arm and my eyes widen. I jump away. I touch my body and hair. I try to pull my soul out to see it. My soul comes out and I look at it. I have a soul now?! It is mostly red with a black outline. "Chara?" Frisk asks. I look up at them with wide eyes. "F-frisk?" I ask. They nod and quickly pull me into a hug. After a few minutes we leave the underground. I see all the monsters looking down on the town below. "Toriel." Frisk says. "Yes, my child?" Toriel asks as she turns around. Her eyes land on me and she freezes. "Chara?" She asks. 

Everything Goes Black - Undertale Chara X FriskWhere stories live. Discover now