Part 7

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'Thoughts' 'Insanity'

Chara POV

I look in the mirror, I look normal for a second. Then, My eyes go black, my hair goes blood red, i get covered in dust, and goo drips from my eyes. I hold back my scream as I stare at myself. 'This is what you will be soon. And it will be so much fun. Just wait.' The voice tells me. Then, everything goes back to normal. And that's when I notice something that isn't from the voice. My right eye, the white part. It's starting to turn black. So I make my hair cover it. Then I go back to the room and wait. Wait to see what else frisk is going to do, see who else they hurt.

I lay down on the bed and i close my eyes. I don't need to sleep, but I still pretend that I can. So I curl up and pretend I'm asleep. Like nothing is wrong. Like no one died today. It's been a few days. Frisk didn't hurt mom, or Sans, or Papyrus. But they hurt other monsters. And my right eye is turning more and more black. I can feel myself liking the killing more and more. And... It scares me. I don't want to hurt people. But... when I hear them scream in pain... I find myself smiling. Frisk doesn't let Monster Kid die. And they don't fight Undyne.

They don't fight Mettaton. They don't fight Alphys. They don't fight Dad. But they fight, and kill a lot of the small monsters. I made my hair cover both my eyes. Because both of them are black now. And it scares me. And soon enough, we pass through the barrier. And Frisk looks at me. "Lets go again." Frisk says. I feel my neck snap and I feel a liquid start to drip from my eyes. Then it all goes black.

'It's happening, you're turning into your true self. The monster of all monsters. A killer. You're snapping. Just wait till you begin to kill them yourself.' I hear the voice say. Then I open my eyes. And we're in the underground. I look at Frisk and just wait for them to wake up. And once they do, we do it all again. But this time, Frisk hurts monsters in front of mom. But they spare mom, Sans, Papyrus, and Alphys. But they kill everyone else. Dad, Undyne, Monster kid, Mettaton. Napstablook, Everyone. And I can't stop them. But... I don't want to stop them. I smile as they kill. And soon we get to the surface. And Frisk looks at me. "Lets go one more time, but we kill everyone. Then we set everyone free." Frisk says as they push the Reset button. And everything goes black. 

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