Part 9

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Chara POV

I watch as Frisk and the voice fights sans. Tears stream down my face as they fight. When we are one hit away from death, the voice and Frisk force me to the front. So I feel the pain. I look up at sans as I die. "I'm sorry." I whisper. Then everything goes black. I wake up and sit up. I see Frisk getting up. My ghost body is with them. I am more transparent than the voice is. I'm going to call them Insane. I follow behind them both as we go through the underground.

Tears stream down my face as I watch them kill everyone. My hands shake as we go against sans again. And again. And again. We've faced him fifty-three times now. I hate watching everyone get killed. Frisk has tried to stop insanity a few times. But they gave up. They just want to kill everyone and get it over with. They still think Insanity is me. Every time Sans goes to kill us, I get pushed to the front. Just so I feel all the pain. "We're down to one hp. It's your turn." Insanity tells me. I get pushed forward and I get thrown into Frisk's body.

I feel all the pain their body has been through. I look at Sans. I know he sees the change in my eyes. "Come on kid. You don't want to do this. Do you?" Sans asks me. I shake my head, a few tears fall from my/Frisk's eyes. "Come here kid." Sans says as he opens his arms. Asking for a hug. I smile and go to him. But when I'm a few steps away. Bones go through my body. I don't even have time to scream. Then it goes black. I sit up with a gasp. "He was never going to help. No one will." I think to myself.

Again and again. Over and over. We've done this hundreds of times now. Sans seems like he is starting to catch on more and more with every reset. I wake up and see Insanity still asleep. Frisk wakes up and looks around. "Frisk. Can you hear me?" I ask. I see them look at Insanity confused. "It's me Chara. That person isn't Chara. They took over me." I say. "What do you mean?" Frisk asks quietly. "They... they've always been a part of me. But once you started to kill. They took over." I say.

"They're in control now. And they have been for a long time. You need to stop this. Stop killing." I say. "Oh that's funny coming from you! I don't believe you for one second! You can stop lying now! You're the one making me kill everyone. I hate you Chara. I will never forgive you." Frisk yells at me. Tears fall down my face. I watch as Insanity gets up. And they go through the underground killing everyone. Finally we're back with Sans. "Why do you do this kid. Over and over and over. How many times have we done this?" Sans asks. "Three hundred and twenty two. That's how many times now." Frisk says. 

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