Part 13

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Chara POV

-'I gave birth three weeks ago. This damn baby is getting on my nerves. We had to name her Chara after Kerks mother. I hate that bitch.'- The third page reads. -'This little shit is two now. I've taught her to clean the floors already. But the dumb bitch is too short to reach the stove. Kerk hates her more than I do. It's lovely watching her scream when he slaps her.'- The fourth page reads. I sigh and shake my head and flip past a few pages. -'She's eight now. It's amazing. All I have to do is sit and smoke. She cleans and cooks. She does mess up sometimes. It's so annoying. But a good smack getting her back into gear.'- Page elven reads.

-'That Bitch ran away! She ran away after a good beating. I'm glad she's gone. I hate seeing her ugly face. But who will cook and clean now?'- The twelfth page reads. -'He's mad.'- The Thirteenth page reads. I skip a few more pages. -'He bought a gun. And i heard him tell someone to bury use in the backyard.'- The twenty second page reads. -'He's coming. What do I d...'- The rest of the page is bloody. -'I killed her. Now it's time for myself. I wonder why she kept this thing. There's no point.'- The last page reads. I put the notebook down and sigh.

I get up I go to the pond in the backyard. I drop the book in it. I go back to the house. I shut the door and look around. With a sigh I start cleaning the house. I need somewhere to live. After a few hours of cleaning I realize I need food and other things. So I go to my parents' room and get into their money stash. I grab fifty dollars. I leave the house. And go into town. I see people freaking out about the monsters. I just go into the store. I grab some different foods. Making sure there's nothing that needs to be in the fridge.

I get some cleaning supplies. And three blankets and two pillows. I quickly pay for all my things. I leave the store and see the mayor of the town showing the monsters what houses they can live in. Frisk sees me and runs up to me. Sans glares at me. "There you are. Come on." Frisk says. "I'm okay Frisk. I have a home." I tell them. "Where do you live?" Frisk asks. "A house down the way." I tell them. Frisk nods and goes back to mom. No not mom, Toriel. I see the Mayor walk away from the monster. So I go up to him. "Sir." I say. He looks down at me and sighs. 

Everything Goes Black - Undertale Chara X FriskWhere stories live. Discover now