Part 5

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'Thoughts' 'Insanity'

Chara POV

When i open my eyes, were back in the underground, where i first woke up. I stand up and walk/float over to Frisk. "Wake up! I want to see mom!" I tell Frisk with a smile. Frisk gets up and smiles at me. We walk into the room where Flowey is at. "Remember, Don't touch the pellets." I remind Frisk, They nod their head and listen to Flowey. After a minute Mom comes in and saves Frisk.

"Mom!" I yell with a smile, I hate how she can't hear or see me. I follow behind Frisk as Toriel walks them through the ruins. I just smile the whole time as i look at my mom. And when Mom leaves me and Frisk in the hall, my face falls. "Lets go meet up with mom like we did last time." I tell Frisk. "But she told us to stay here." Frisk says as they look at me with a smirk. "I know i said that last time, but i don't care anymore." I tell them.

Frisk laughs and walks out of the room, I quickly follow after them. We go through the ruins like we did last time. But this time Frisk flirts with a lot of the monsters. Soon, we're back in the room that looks like my old room. Frisk falls asleep and I just sit on my bed and think. 'Its your fault.' I hear a voice say. I look around the room but no one is there. I walk out of the room and look into the mirror in the hall. 'You want to see me?' The voice asks.

I nod my head and look around me. 'Look back at the mirror.' It says, i look in the mirror and I scream at what I see. It's me, but it's not me. My hair is more black with hints of red. The whites around my eyes are now black. There's black goo dripping from my eyes. There's blood splattered on my face. And... There's dust on my sweater. After a few second i go back to normal. "What was that?" I ask 'Thats who you really are.' the voice says. "No its not!" I tell the voice.

'Not yet, but it will be. Just wait.' Then the voice disappears. I take a few deep breaths and I go back into the room and i curl up on the bed. Silent tears streaming down my face. I watch as mom walks in the room and puts a plate of pie on Frisks nightstand. I wipe my tears and just wait. I wait for Frisk to wake up, and i wait to see if anything changes. After awhile frisk gets up and puts the pie in the bag. We go out of the room and meet Mom in the living room.

Unlike last time, Frisk sits on the floor in front of Mom and asks if she will read to them. Mom smiles and starts reading us snail facts. I smile and sit down next to Frisk. Mom used to read this to me and Asriel. He hated it, but i loved it. But after a few minutes my smile fades. And i begin to think of the voice that i heard. It sounded like me. But it wasn't me. I can't tell Frisk, what if they become scared of me. Will they leave me? What is happening. I feel a small pressure in the back of my head. But I don't understand why. I'm dead, i shouldn't feel pain. 

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