Part 10

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Chara POV

"Why... why do you do this?" Sans asks again. "She makes me." Frisk says. My heart drops. "She?" Sans asks. "Chara. She was the first human down here. And now.... Now she makes me kill everyone. She wants to kill everyone." Frisk says. "So the only true monster is in control of you?" Sans asks. Frisk nods. "No! Its not me!" I scream. Hoping for them to hear me. "Shut up pest. This just got more fun." Insanity tells me. "Let me speak to her." Sans says. Frisk nods and I get pushed into their body.

"Why?" Sans asks me. "It's not me!" I tell him, tears in my eyes. "I don't believe that for one second. It's you, it's always been you. You're the reason the king and queen split up. You're the reason the prince died. You're the reason my brother is dead. You're the reason everyone down here is dead. It's all your fault. Their dust is on your hands. You're the true monster. Sorry Frisk but I have to." Sans says. I go to say something but bones go through my body and I feel the pain. Then I wake up again.

I sit up. My face and eyes are dry. I get up and float around the room. "It is my fault. I should just give up trying to stop it. I'm the one making this all happen." I think to myself. I float down and bring my knees to my chest. Soon Frisk wakes up. Insanity is still asleep. "Chara, it's not you, is it? I saw two of you. I'm sorry." Frisk tells me. I go to say something but Insanity gets up. "This is the one I feel it." Insanity says with a smile. I follow along as they kill everyone. Frisk looks like they don't want to do it anymore. Soon we are back with Sans.

I watch as we go to hit him. Suddenly I get pushed into Frisk's body and I'm the one that hits him. My eyes widen in horror. "I'm going to go get... a burger... Papyrus, you want... one?" Sans says. I scream as I watch him turn to dust. I've never killed someone. But here I am. Sans dust on my hands. I get pushed out of Frisks body. "There are two of you." Frisk says. "One more time. Frisk. I have a perfect plan." Insanity says. Frisk looks at them with fear. And they look at me with sadness. Then everything goes black. 

Everything Goes Black - Undertale Chara X FriskWhere stories live. Discover now