Part 6

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'Thoughts' 'Insanity'

Chara POV

Its been a few days, Everything has been like last time. But this time Frisk is spending more time with people. I love it. But, that voice.... It keeps coming to me when Frisk is sleeping or I'm alone. And.... i'm scared of it. But it's fine. Everything is fine. Frisk is fine, Mom is fine, Sans is fine, Papyrus is fine, Monster Kid is fine, all the dogs are fine, Dad is fine, everyone is fine. So why do I still have a bad feeling? I can tell Flowey has been following us. I know Frisk knows as well.

But we just keep going, Frisk keeps flirting with everyone as we go. And soon enough. After two weeks, we were back facing dad. Mom stops him. And Flowey comes and grabs them. But this time, Me and Frisk work as a team. We save everyone, and we break the barrier. But the voice in my head keeps telling me it's not good enough. Humans aren't happy, they all hate the monsters. But the monsters are so nice, they show nothing but kindness and love. Real love.

But after a while, Frisk gets bored. "What are you doing?" I ask them as I see the Reset button up. "I want to try something else." Frisk tells me. Then they hit the reset button. And everything goes black. I wake up, and we're in the underground again. "Why? It was perfect." I tell Frisk with sadness. "I know, and in a little bit we can do that ending again. But.... I want to try somethings. And it's not like anyone will remember." Frisk says with a smile. "O-okay, J-just don't hurt any." I tell them. 'But don't you want to see everyone die? Their dust in the air, their dust on you hands and clothes. Wouldn't it be perfect?' The voice tells me.

I shut my eyes tightly and i try to block it out. "No promises." Frisk tells me as they start to walk. My eyes snap open as i look at them. "No! You can't hurt anyone!" I yell. "What are you going to do about it? You can't take control unless i let you. And i won't hurt everyone, just... some monsters." Frisk tells me. "And you can't stop me." Frisk tells me. I look down and nod my head. They start to walk and slowly follow them.

I stand behind them as they begin to kill monsters after mom leaves them alone. My head hurts more as they kill. Dust covers their sweater. We walk to Mom's house. "Get rid of the dust on you. Mom can't know." I tell Frisk with tears in my eyes. Frisk looks at me and nods their head. They get the dust off their clothes. Then they meet up with mom. And we walk into the room we're staying in. And Frisk falls asleep. 'Go to the mirror.' The voice tells me. So i get up and i float out to the mirror, scared to look at myself.

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