Part 12

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Chara POV

I stare at her. All the times she and everyone else died flashes before my eyes. I see Sans standing behind her glaring at me. His eyes hold nothing but hate. "The souls decided to bring her back." Frisk says. Toriel stares at me, not believing anything. "...I'm sorry mom." I say. Toriel's eyes widen when she hears my voice. She runs up to me and wraps her arms around my body. I flinch a little and slowly hug back. After a minute she lets go. "You and dad should go down to the humans. Take Frisk. Talk to the humans in town." I tell Mom as I take a few steps back

"Right. Come on everyone." Toriel says as she turns away. Her and Asgore walk down the hill. The rest of the monsters and Frisk follow them. All but Sans. He glares at me. And I stare at him. "If you try anything." Sans says. "Kill me. Kill me if I hurt anyone." I tell him. "I will happily kill you." Sans says. He turns and walks away. I sit down on the cliff and look down. "Oh boo hoo. You won for now. Just wait till I get control of you." I hear Insanity tell me. I look over and see them floating a few feet away from me.

After it gets dark I go back into the underground. I see Flowey in the middle of the yellow flowers. I know who he really is. He's my brother. Asriel. I did this to him. I made him into this. I sit down next to him. "What do you want?!" Flowey angrily asks me. I shrug. I close my eyes. "Go away!" Flowey yells. "I'm sorry Asreil. I wish it could all be different." I tell him. I open my eyes and get up. Flowey looks at me confused. I walk out of the underground. I walk into the woods. The woods I used to know years ago.

After a while I find it. I find my home. It's run down and looks like it's been abandoned for years. I go to the door and walk inside. All the furniture is still there. The pictures on the walls. Everything. Everything but them. I dust off the couch and lay down. And soon It all goes black. I wake up a few hours later. On the couch in my old home. Light shines through the cracks in the boarded up windows. I get up and look around the house. My room is the only thing different. All of my things are gone.

I go to my parents room. Sitting on their bed is a notebook. I pick it up and go outside. In the backyard are two graves. I sigh and look at the graves sadly. I sit in front of the graves. Facing them with my back against a tree. I open the book and start to read. -'I'm pregnant. I hate it. I don't want a baby. Neither does Kerk. I just hope it's a boy. It better be a boy.'- The first page reads. -'It's a fucking girl! It's too late to get rid of it. I guess we'll just have to make her life hell when she is born.'- The second page reads. 

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