Part 3

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Chara's POV

I help Frisk out with a few puzzles. And I help them know what to do to make a monster accept their mercy. We soon walk into a room full of spiders and pastries. "Ohh! Mrs. Muffiens bake sale! Her food is so good/ Its the best, right after moms of course." I tlle Frisk with a smile as I look around. Frisk buys a donut and we leave. After a hile we end up infront of a dead tree. Frisks phone rings. "Huh?" I hear mom say as she walks around the tree and sees us..... Sees Frisk. "Oh dear! Are you hurt?! Here, let me heal you." Toriel says as she uses her magic to heal Frisk.

"I should have never left you. But i had to come clean up before you got here. Come young one. Let me show you where you're staying." Mom says. We walk into a house that looks like home, but it's not home. "Where are we!? This isn't home? Where is Dad? Where's Azzu?" I ask as I look around the house. "Let me show you to the room you can rest in." Toriel says as she walks down a hall. Me and Frisk follow her. We go into a room that has two beds and some toys.

The room...It... it looks like mine and Azriels room. But there's dust all over. As if it hasn't been touched in a long time. "Get some rest young one." Toriel says as she leaves the room. Frisk lays down on the bed that should be Azriels bed. I watch as they quickly fall asleep as i look around the room some more. My eyes well up with tears as i wonder what happened to dad and Azreil. I sit down on th ebed that should be mine. I stare at the wall and think of all the happy memories I had in this room. But not this room.

After a while mom comes in the room an puts a plate of Cinnamon Butterscotch pie on Frisks nightstand. The smell fills the air and I fell like I'm home again. A few tears fall down my face as I wait for Frisk to wake up. After a few hours Frisk gets up and takes the pie. "Are you alright?" Frisk asks me. I look at them and nod my head. I sigh as we leave the room. Frisk searches moms room and finds a book of jokes. There not very good. We then go to a dining room/living room area. Mom is sat on a armchair trading a book next to the fire.

She looks so sad. Her eyes are tired and it looks like shes close to giving up. I watch as Frisk asks about how to get home. Mom ties to distract them. But they keep pressing it. Mom leaves the room and Frisk follows her. I follow but I stop before i go down the stairs. I hear yelling after a moment. So I quickly rush down. I see mom and Frisk getting ready to fight. "Don't hurt her! Spare her please!" I yell to Frisk. They nod and I watch as mom and Frisk fights. After a while mom gives up. She cries. I just want to hug her. 

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