Part 14

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Chara POV

"Yes, the monsters are here to stay." The mayor says. "I know. I was wondering if I could get everything from the Walker residence?" I ask. "Who are you?" He asks. "Chara Walker. Kerk Walker's and May Walker's daughter. I fell into Ebot years ago. I want to be able to get everything they have left." I tell him. "Hmmm seeing as you would be in your twenties.. Alright. Come to my office tomorrow at noon. I will get you everything you need." He tells me. "Alright thank you sir." I tell him. He nods and leaves.

On the way back home I stop at a few places and get applications. Once they hear my name they give me one. Knowing who I am and how old I should be. I go back to my house and put all my things away. And I get back to dusting and cleaning the house. I take the boards off the windows. I clean up all the glass from inside and outside the windows. Then I clean the bathroom. Then my own room. I set up my makeshift bed. I take the couch cushions off my parents couch in their room. I lay them out on the floor and use a blanket to hold them together.

I put my pillows on my bed along with my two other blankets. I go to my parents room. I take all the expensive things from it along with the money. Then I shut their door. Hoping to never have to open it again. I go back to the front room and sit down on the couch. I take a deep breath and look around and the now very clean house. After a few minutes of relaxing I get up and make myself a peanut butter sandwich. I also grab a bottle of water. I grab my job applications and a pen. Then I go to my room and open up a floor board. It's where I kept all my important documents.

I laminated all of them to keep them safe. So I grab them all and go back to the front room. Grabbing a lamp along the way. I sit down and start to fill out all the papers. After a while the sun starts to set. Making it hard to see. So I light the lamp and continue to fill the papers out. After another hour I finish. I filled out fifteen applications. I sigh and lean back on the couch. I take a few deep breaths. Slowly I get up and go to my room. Lamp in one hand. Papers in the other. I put the paper under my bed for now. And I lay down in bed. I turn off the lamp and close my eyes. And everything goes black. 

Everything Goes Black - Undertale Chara X FriskWhere stories live. Discover now