Part 8

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'Thoughts' 'Insanity'

Chara POV

Frisk is killing mom, but they stop. I see regret in their eyes. And I just feel anger. 'They won't do it. So you need to. Make them! Make them kill!' The voice yells at me. "What are you doing! You can't stop now! Kill her! Kill her!" I or The voice yells at Frisk. They look at me with wide eyes. "Your face." Frisk says with fear. And then I knew. My eyes are black with gray pupils. Black goo is coming from my eyes and mouth. And my hair is more black. Did the voice take control? "Kill her, or i will." I tell Frisk. My voice sounds weird. It's... Glitchy.

I feel like I'm outside of my body. I see myself smile as Frisk kills mom. I... Look happy. What's happening? "Good job Frisk, Now let's go. We have others to kill." I? Say. They, Frisk walks into the cold. And I stay inside with myself. "What is happening?" I ask out loud with tears in my eyes. My.... ghostly body looks at me. "Frisk can't hear you anymore. They can only hear me. And you get to watch as we kill everyone, over, and over, and over. I will make you break until you can't take anymore. And soon, you will let me take complete control. And you won't exist. But for now, Have fun watching." My body tells me. Tears fall down my face. And my body walk up to Frisk. And I feel like I'm being pulled to them.

I hate this. I hate this. I hate this. I hate this! I hate this! I HATE THIS! We've gone through twelve times now killing everyone, killing some people, and killing no one. The voice is still in control. Frisk is starting to let go. And so am i. The voice has been taking control of Frisk to kill people. But... when Frisks body gets killed... I get push so i'm the one that feels the pain. I'm the one that gets killed. I want this to be over. I hate this. "I want you to be incontrol when we fight Sans. But, you have! To kill him!" The voice yells at me.

I look at them with blank eyes and just nod my head. Were almost at the judgment hall, again. We killed everyone so far. Papyrus, he was so innocent.... And weak. Like me. Maybe.... Maybe I should embrace this. Maybe this is how it should be. Humans killing monsters. No! What am i thinking! Monsters are innocent! They did nothing wrong! But... Maybe if I do what the voice says, Then I can take control, tell Frisk what's happening, and tell sans. I just have to wait, i have to be patient. Even if I want it all to stop now. So here I am. In Front of Sans the skelington. And then we fight.

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