Part 4

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Chara POV

We leave the ruins and go out into the cold. "Thank you. For not hurting mom." I tell Frisk with a sad smile. "I don't want to hurt anyone." Frisk tells me. I smile more and nod. We venture into the cold. Well, I don't feel the cold. But by Frisk's exception it is very cold. After what seemed like forever we get to the core. As time goes on, I've been getting more and more attached to Frisks soul. I can't be more then a few feet from them. But hey, I got to see so many old friends.

Mom, Sans, Papyrus, Monster Kid, Annoying Dog, Undyne, Alphys, and so many more. I've missed everyone so much. Almost everyone has forgotten what our world used to be. Monsters used to be okay with humans. They used to not want to hurt humans. But I guess after I died. After Azreil died. Everything changed. Everyone became angry. They all hate humans. So many monsters have been trying to kill Frisk. It's really starting to scare me. Frisk has begun to get angry. Especially after Alphys lied to us.... Lied to Frisk.

I really don't know what to do. Frisk is going to have to fight and.... And kill dad. I don't want him to get hurt. I float behind Frisk as we enter dad's garden. Yellow flowers are everywhere. Why? Why does he have so many? Doesn't he remember what they did? "Come and meet me when you're ready." Dad says, dread in his voice as he walks away. "Please don't hurt him." I tell Frisk. "I'll try not to." They say as they walk after him. I watch as they fight. Before either of them can die. Mom comes and stops them.

Everyone Frisk made friends with along the way came to stop the fight. I watch as Mom and Sans tell puns and jokes back and forth. Papyrus gets a little upset seeing as he hates puns. But after a few minutes Flowey suddenly comes and traps everyone in his grasp. "Frisk you have to help them!" I yell, fear and worry in my voice. "I don't know how to fight." Frisk tells me. I learned something not too long ago. I guess it's time to use it now. "...Let me take control, I know how to fight." I tell Frisk as I touch their shoulder.

I take over and fight Flowey. I kill him. But I was too late. He already killed everyone else. I watch as they all turn to dust. After a few minutes Frisk goes back to the overworld. They don't have a family. Frisk lives in an orphanage. Everyonce and a while a red button labeled reset pops up. After a few months of begging, Frisk hits the button. And everything goes black. 

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