Part 15

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Chara POV

'It's been two years since the monsters came to the surface. Frisk has been turned into an ambassador of sorts. I see them and the monsters every now and then. Mom.... Toreil tries to get me to go to her. But the others... They glare at me with hate. Undyne threatened me. I'm pretty sure Sans told them what he thinks happened.

Alphys looks at me with sadness and guilt when she sees me. Muffet smiles at me and offers me food when she sees me. Dad.... Asgore, he looks at me with sadness and anger. Its confusing. But I don't try to talk to anyone.

When Frisk sees me they try to talk to me. But I always leave before they can. They once chased me four blocks before I lost them. I don't want anything to do with them. Not until they tell the truth. I didn't make them kill anyone. They wanted to. I tried to stop them.

But I highly doubt that is going to happen. Right now I'm working at a gas station a few miles outside of town. I walk or ride a old bike to and from work. I'm also studying for school. I'm not planning on going to school. They offered it to me. But I figured it was best that I don't go.

So I'm just working on my GED. I'm almost done with it. It's been hard. Not having anyone. No one to talk to. No one to hang out with. No one to confide in. It sucks, but it's best this way. Every now and then I still hear it. The voice. It's no one, jt hidden, it's like it has no power. But that's a good thing.

My soul doesn't look normal. It has a little bit of red in the center. But everything else is black. And it has cracks in it. Every so often, late at night. It hurts. I don't know why. I should go to Alphys about it. But that's a bad idea with them dating Undyne. So I'm just going to have to deal with it.

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