Chapter 34 (Its Now or Never)

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...And another update...enjoy...the end is coming near, har,har,har,


Ace turned his cell phone off, he needs to think, he's still inside his car watching Alex with the guy messing with his wife.

Ace drew a deep breath, he was so angry, he is so jealous. Normally he would go inside and just smack the face of the guy he was so jealous with. But now, he controlled himself.

Alex would never like that, Ace shakes his head slightly, "Alex doesn't want that, Alex would be mad, Alex want that, Alex wants this." It's all about Alex.

He made a promised to himself, never fall in love again, never loved a woman like the way he loved his fiancée' who left him. And now here he loves another, he loves this person named Alex Santos so much that he thought of her welfare first than his emotion.

"Never to love again Ace" he said to himself "Never loved the way you love Camilla." Then all of a sudden Ace realized.

He never loves Alex the way he loved Camilla...

He forced Alex to marry her; he didn't do that to Camilla...

He hurt Alex and took his revenge so Alex would realize how would be her life without him...

But he didn't hurt Camilla's feeling, he just kept his silenced.

He wants Alex back; while never did he thought of winning back Camilla after she left him....

He never loves Alex the way he loved Camilla because he loves Alex more...

He can live without Camilla or any other glamorous beautiful women in the world but he can't live without the simple Alex Santos...

He can be happy without Camilla but he can't be happy and he would never find contentment without Alex Santos...

He finally realized, he wants Alex more than anything in the world. Then he thought of their song,

'I will give everything I own,

Give up my life, my heart, my own,

I will give everything I own,

Just have you back again,

Just to touch you once again'

Ace gets off his car and walks straight inside the restaurant. He went straight to Alex; ignore the people who murmured with his presence, ignoring Tricia's greetings. Ignoring what would be the reaction of the man Alex is talking with.

He doesn't care anymore, even if he gets hurt, even if Alex say no for thousand times, it doesn't matter anymore, nothing matters anymore. He loves Alex more than anything in the world and he would do anything, everything to win her back, he won't stop, he won't back down from this day forward, he would spend the rest of his life if he has to, begging... to have Alex back unto his arms again.

The Wonder Of You (Pentagon Series Book 1) {needs to go under drastic revisions}Where stories live. Discover now