Goemon x fem fencer!reader

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Requested by @MoonStruck001

•──────⋅ ☾ ☼ ☽ ⋅──────•

Y/n bowed a bit before leaving the temple.
Her fencing training was over for the day and she was now gonna go home to her father.

But as she arrived home, she noticed they had some guests. Y/n tilted her head as she walked towards her father and the guests. "Father?" Y/n asked and the man turned to her, so did the guests.

"Ah, Y/n. Come here and introduce yourself to our guests,"

Y/n looked at the three men before her.
One had a black hat, one a red jacket, one a samurai.
Y/n made eye contact with the samurai, she smiled sweetly at him and he started to blush and he quickly looked away.
Y/n giggled a little before she bowed a little in respect for her guests. "Welcome to the L/n estate, my name is Y/n L/n XII,"

The man with the red jacket smirked and elbowed the samurai who cleared his throat and blushed harder.

F/n wrapped an arm around his daughter's shoulders. "My only daughter and the biggest diamond in my life. She is priceless," Y/n rolled her eyes.

"May I ask for your names?" Y/n asked and the one with the hat held out his hand, "Jigen Daisuke, nice to meet you," Y/n shook his hand.

"Lupin, it's not everyday I meet a lovely woman like you," Red jacket guy said and kissed the back of her hand.
Y/n rolled her eyes and then turned to the samurai.

"This is Goemon! Don't mind him, he is a bit shy around beautiful women like yourself," Lupin spoke and Y/n giggled before turning to her father.

"Father. Should I make tea?"

"Yes, that's a lovely idea. If you all follow me, I'll show you inside,"

☾ ☼ ☽

Y/n sat everyone's tea down in front of them on the table before sitting down herself at the empty space beside Goemon.

"May i ask what is the purpose of your visit?" Y/n asked and Lupin turned to her. "Your father send us a letter, or not like, he send one to Goemon to come and meet him here. Unknown purpose at the moment," Lupin spoke and the 25 year old woman looked at her father. "Father? Why would you ask for Goemon to come here?"

F/n sighed and looked between his daughter and Goemon.
"Y/n, this is Goemon Ishikawa XII... his parents and I was very good friends... and before you two was even born... we arranged that the two of you would get married some day... But then Goemon left home... and we didn't see him for years until now when I found his location and immediately send a letter. So now when you're here, I think it's time to full fill your parents and my wish in that you two gets married,"

Lupin and Jigen stared in shock.
They glanced at each ogend for a second before looking at the two shocked XII generation.

Y/n suddenly slammed her teacup to the table, causing it too break into pieces.
"Father! I thought you told me... that this arranged marriage crap is over. You accepted my wish in choosing my own... but even now, you go against my own will. Why should I fulfill your wish... when its mine and Goemon's life that changes?"

"It will change for the better, Y/n. Our family's has been friends and allies for generations. It's time we connect and be one big clan..."

"I'm not accepting this, father," Y/n growled and stormed away.

F/n sighed and looked at Goemon.
"Please my boy, can you convince her?"

Goemon had his eyes closed.
"Your daughter is very lovely, beautiful, and kind..."

"Thank you-"

"But I cannot marry her,"

"What?!" F/n yelled and slammed his hands against the table.
"I want to see her happy... and I fear that if we get married. She will be unhappy... I know the Ishikawa and L/n's have been friends for generations... but I'm afraid I myself is not ready for settling down. My life is... too much of a heist to stay at one place for long,"

Goemon stood up and bowed a bit at F/n in respect. "So I apologize that my answer disappointed you, sir. As much as... I like your daughter... I cannot marry her if it means that her happiness will fade away. Now if you excuse me," he said and walked off after Y/n.

☾ ☼ ☽

Y/n was back outside of the temple, it was just a block away from her home. Every time she was frustrated and wanted to get away from others. She always came to the temple to relax or practice some fencing by herself on the yard outside.

"Lunge... parry... riposte..." she mumbled as she moved.

Y/n sighed and did the attacks once again when she heard someone by the gates into the temple yard.

"Oh, it's just you," she said when she saw it was Goemon.
"I'm sorry about my father. And I'm sorry that-"

"No need to apologize," he spoke shyly but with a bit more relaxing voice. Y/n looked up at him, "I told him that... I can't marry anyone," "Really?" "Yes, I said to him... if marry you means that your cheerful and happy personality will change to the worse... I'll not marry you. No matter how much I have a liking to you," Y/n widened her eyes and looked into his eyes.

"Y-You like me?" Goemon blushed slightly and nodded. "Goemon, I..."

"There you are! We searched everywhere for you," Lupin suddenly spoke as he and Jigen appeared at the gate.

"Goemon, let's go," Jigen said and Goemon nodded back at them before turning back to Y/n. "I'll be off... goodbye,"

As he was about to leave. Y/n grabbed his hands to stop him and he looked back to see she was having her head down, tear-filled eyes.
"I...I like you too... Goemon I... I would marry you, but... but we have just meet and my father broke his promise so I just... *sigh* I'm just frustrated but I don't want you to leave by thinking I don't like you back when I really to like you," Goemon blushed when Y/n suddenly hugged him. "So let's not say goodbye... just a... see you later,"

Goemon hugged back and Y/n smiled at the sound of his heartbeat quicken. "I'll be here when you're ready," Y/n mumbled and parted from the hug only for Goemon to press his lips against hers.

Y/n widened her eyes before quickly kissing back. Lupin wolf whistled and Jigen chuckled as the samurai and fencer parted.

"I'll see you later,"

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