Jigen x fem!reader

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Y/n smiled as she walked into the small vila to notice Fujiko and Lupin stand in the middle of the room, talking, "Hi guys! What you up to? Remember what day it is?"

Fujiko, her older sister looked at her, her face showing that she clearly was annoyed, surely by Lupin, "Yes, it's Goemon's birthday," she said and Lupin turned to her, "We're getting ready a part for him,"

Y/n's smile faded a bit but she kept it up, "O-Oh... I see... I-I'll see you guys later, ya?"

"Where are you going, Y/n?" Fujiko asked and Y/n looked at him. "I-I'm just going to the store," she said and left with her head down.

The two shrugged, not knowing what her problem was.

☾ ☼ ☽

Hours have now passed and everyone was enjoying the party that the two have put up for Goemon when everyone felt that something was missing, like they all had forgotten something.

"Hi guys! Sorry I'm late," Jigen spoke as he arrived at the party with two presents. One in each hand and handed the own in his left hand to the captain.

"Thank you," Goemon spoke, a little shocked that Jigen had a gift for him.
"Sorry if it's not the greatest. Not so good with gifts," Jigen said and turned to Fujiko, "Now, where's Y/n and what did you guys get her?" He asked with the second present still in his hands.

The three looked at him confused, "What do you mean?" Fujiko asked and Jigen's smile faded a bit, "Don't tell me you forgot, again,"

"Forgot what? Jigen?"

"You actually call yourself, Y/n's sister," Jigen said, clearly pissed off which is something he barely ever gets. "Jigen, that's enough," Lupin said

"Enough?! She calls herself a sister?!" The man questioned

"Jigen..." Lupin mumbled when Jigen looked at them all.

"I am the only one who ever and I mean ever remembers Y/n's birthday. Why is that? Because I am the one who basically only talked to her and have spent time with her! You are a horrible sister, Fujiko," he said and stormed off, leaving everyone in shock.

☾ ☼ ☽

Y/n was sitting in the kitchen of her hospital room she hired over a night, a small cupcake with one single candle on top.

She smiled sadly, "Happy birthday to me..." she blowed out the candle and laid it on the side of the cupcake as her smile faded completely and a single tear fell from her eye.

A knock came from the front door and she quickly wiped it away and walked over and opened it to reveal Jigen Daisuke, out of breath as he stood there with a present in his hand.

"Jigen? What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to celebrate your birthday and apologize on the others behalf," he said as he was let inside.

"Oh... Thanks Jigen but, it's nothing, really. Birthdays happen once a year, right? There is always next year,"

"Y/n, stop. This has been going on ever since we meet that they forget about it. And every year you tell me the same thing, "There is always next year," It's enough, Y/n... I know this is hurting you,"

The second he finished. Y/n let her tears fall and Jigen put down the gift and hugged her close.

"My own sister..." she sobbed and Jigen frowned as he hugged her closer. His fingers tangled in her hair as he rubbed her back with his other hand. "I know... I'm sorry, Y/n," he said and parted from the hug and handed her the present and put his hat on top of her head, making Y/n smile sweetly at him while slightly sniffling, "Jigen, you didn't have to," She said and the tall man looked down at her with an admirable smile.

"I know, but I wanted to," he said and walked with her into the kitchen where he noticed the cupcake and he chuckled. "I see you had your own little party," Y/n looked at the cupcake and giggled as she took a knife and cut it in half, handing one half to Jigen. "Yeah... Thanks again for stopping by,"

"We've been... friends since our first meeting. Of course I'll be here with you on your own special day,"

☾ ☼ ☽

Jigen and Y/n was now sitting on the couch in the living room, watching a movie when the gunman noticed her glancing at the present.

He chuckled, "Open it,"


"Open it, I can see you glance at it from time to time," Y/n blushed, a little embarrassed as Jigen handed her the gift once more and she opened it slowly to reveal a box.

She was about to open it but Jjgen stopped her by speak up, "Before you open it... promise me that our friendship will not damage to the worse in any way..." Y/n was confused but nodded. "I promise," she said and held out her pinky, Jigen rolled his eyes and smirked as he held out his pinky as well.

"Pinky promise," Y/n spoke as they locked pinkies and put their thumbs together to lock the promise.

She then went to open it. Her eyes widened at what was inside.
An old photo of her and Jigen on their first day as friends. Under the photo was a sentence that made Y/n almost cry. "I'll always be here. No matter how far away I may be," it said.

She picked it up and looked at Jigen who made a motion with his fingers to turn it around.

Y/n looked at the back and covered her mouth before looking at Jigen who had the most sweetest smile that he had ever shown.

"What do you say?" He asked and Y/n nodded.

"Yes... Of course I would be your girlfriend!"

"Really?!" He asked before Y/n attacked him in a hug, the force caused Jigen to fall back onto the couch and he chuckled "I love you, Y/n Mine," he whispered as he pressed his forehead against her own. "I love you too, Jigen Daisuke," She mumbled and the two leaned closer until their lips meet.

The kiss was short and sweet, when it was interrupted by the doorbell ring and a yell from Fujiko, calling for Y/n to open the door.

Y/n looked at Jigen who nodded and she walked away to open the door.
Jigen smiled when he heard the rest of the gang call out a "Happy birthday," and he chuckled when he watched his now girlfriend smile brightly at them.

"She's finally getting the birthday she always wanted,"

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