chapter 10

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Sid was walking sadly because his favorite shirt which was given my his dada was spoiled. He's walking but suddenly he slipped. Yes he slipped on wet floor.He get hurt on his back. There avu and said "Omg Sid how you fall down? Did you get hurt?" And help him to stand up.
Sid- I don't know the floor is wet and slipped.
Avu- well our class is going to start so let's go.
They went there class and teacher come. All stand up. And greet him
Teacher- well student take out your project on last class.
All take out their own project so our Sid. Avu was his behind only. They give their projects. Teacher was checking it suddenly
Teacher- Sid what is this?
Sid-what happened sir?
Teacher- There are blank paper only. They're no project.
Sid-what? But I did my complete project all night then..... Maybe my project get exchange with some other notebook. I'm sorry sir 😔😔😔
Teacher- ok don't worry Sid, you get me your project 10 minutes after this class finished ok or I'll give you punishment.
Sid- ok sir
Well don't need become shock. Sid is one of the most brilliant, obedient and regular student so all teachers loves him a lot. So...
After class ends
Avu-Sid are you sure you did your project.
Sid-yes I'm sure I just need to bring it from hostel. Bye.
Avu-bye (in mind) well go Sid but you'll not able to find it because I tore your project perfectly and that wet floor is also done by me. But you'll never able to find it out ever. 😏😏😏
Sid went his hostel room and finding his project madly which is not there unfortunately.

After 9 minutes
Teacher was out of their class and waiting for Sid. Avu was watching this confidently because she know that he'll not find it. Teacher was getting impatient after just before 5 seconds before complete 10 minutes Sid come running and said sir ' sir here is your project sorry I just get a little bit later'. Teacher saw it and see completely correct,he said good and went from there.
Avu get a good shock. She went to Sid and ask
Avu-Sid from where you found this project I mean where you keep it.
Sid- Actually you know what avneet (yes Sid call her avneet because she's not that much close Sid for give a nick name) I'm not able to find it out that time I remember I have a soft copy of that project on my laptop so I make its hard copy and give to teacher.
Avu- oooooohhhhh.

Avu get angry but think that her only one plan failed many more are there which will not failed. Like that 4 days pass. Avu apply many tricks and plan on Sid to irritated him. Her some of plan get success some not. But it not affect to sid. Because Sid handle all of them perfectly. But today something bad and good both going to happened. Let's see.....

Sid was coming out of his hostel room and he's walking while using phone and suddenly.....
Some garbage like leaf, packet of different foods fall on him. He sign irritatedly and went to his room and changed it. He's going to girls room( anujaneet) but it's shocked him after seeing what's happening there.

Janushka, faiyaz and a unknown young boy and girl who is their old only was looking avu with angry sorry disgusting look. Avu was standing there and it's feel like she said something some while ago only. Sid was totally shocked plus confused because it's first time he's seeing his friends like this. Yes they all fight a lot and situation was never like this ever.

Time reverse 30 minutes before just before Sid come out from their room.
Like always avu was planning something for Sid. And yes she only collect all garbage and set on roof from where Sid going to pass and when Sid come she pull the ribbon which was connected to the garbage bag and all all garbage fall on Sid. After Sid went from there she cleans everything because if hostel manager see that he maybe found out everything. She don't want to take risk. But suddenly

Guess what happened there? and who is the unknown young boy and girl who is their old only? Comment down for double update today.

To be continued.

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