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"Whats going on, love?" Caitlyn hadnt seen Vi all day, save glimpses as Vi travels into the hall to use the restroom.

Usually, Vi is annoying Caitlyn. Badgering her for kisses, hugs, hand holds. Bringing Caitlyn tea, food, water, origami projects.

A cheesy fortune teller sits on Caitlyns desk among all the other gifts. She had fiddled with it for a while, pondering about checking on Vi. She knows every option, but each play on the paper makes her smile.

When Caitlyn sought out Vi, she found her lover curled up on the patio, hair peeking over the back of the lawn chair.

"What do you mean?" Vis voice falls flat.

"You havent bothered me today." Caitlyn winces at Vis flinch. "I didnt mean it like that."

"Sure." Vi only rolls her eyes.

"Talk to me." She pulls the other chair in front of Vi. Caitlyn pulls Vis legs into her lap. Rubbing her ankles and calves, teasing the soles of her feet. Vi, however, has no reaction.

"Vi?" Caitlyn waits a minute, thinking Vi is only collecting her thoughts. "Violet, dont do this. Youve got me worried. If youre not ok, you can say so, and ill give you space. Whatever you need."

"Youre too good to me." Its quiet, Vis voice hardly above a whisper.

"Why do you think that?"

"Why did you choose an annoying, trencher trash peasant like me? You could have anyone. Especially those money fucks in your wealth class." Vi pulls her legs back to her chest.

"I dont want them. I want you."

"Yeah, and whys that? To make me feel bad? Is that why you hide your jewelry? Put shoes into the back of the closet?"

"Vi, those boxes and such are meant to store jewelry. Thats not hiding them, thats putting them away. I put the shoes back there because theyre event shoes. Shoes i dont need day to day. They dont belong with my outdoor shoes, or my work boots."

"You didnt deny that im nothing but a fissure lizard."

"Why do you think youre a lizard?"

"Youve seen where im from. Where i work. Im no good for you. You deserve someone who give you as much as you give them. I cant do that for you. Im sorry." Vi moves to stand, but Caitlyn shoves her back into the chair.

Vis mouth gapes to speak, but Caitlyn beats her to it, settling onto Vis lap. "I appreciate you. Where youre from is a tragic beauty. Zaun has cleaned up nicely over the past few years weve started working on helping the people living there. As for your work, its a family business. That bar is rightfully yours, from my knowledge on how Vander would have wanted things to go."

"I cant give you a home, or a boat, or an airship."

"I dont want any of those things. I only want you. Youre my home, Vi." Caitlyn goes to cup Vis cheek, but Vi turns away.

"Vi," Caitlyn whispers, "whats started to make you think these things?"

"You always drink your coffee in bed, you always kiss me when you wake, you make breakfast with me. Its been days now that youve locked yourself in that cramped office. I thought you finally came to your senses." Vi wont look at Caitlyn.

"Sweetheart, i got myself wrapped up in work is all. If you needed me, you could have asked. I would have taken breaks, and come to bed with you." Vi spares Caitlyn a glance. "Youre my Poundcake," Vis lips quirk at the name, "the most important anything to me. Ill make up lost time with you."


"If you look at me." And she does. Caitlyn leaves a kiss on the tip of Vis nose. "Yeah, really. I love you, Violet Lane. Why dont we go to dinner tonight? You choose the place. We can split the bill."

"I can pay-"

"We split. You can pay next time darling." Vi nods.

"I would like that. Thank you."

"Anything for you." Caitlyn gives her a smile, Vis cheeks coloring before a small grin takes form on her scarred lips.

Vi And Caitlyn BrainrotsWhere stories live. Discover now