Prologue! Before Hoenn

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Luna and Tomo decided to stay at Pallet Town for two days to talk about their adventures in Johto and to sort everything out before they went to Hoenn.

Luna placed her Johto badges and the Silver Conference Trophy onto the shelf where her other badges and trophies were.

Julia brought a cabinet for her badges and trophies since Luna would be earning more in the future.

Luna then placed her treasures in her room, the two parts of the GS ball, the glass medal she won from the Alto Mare race, her evolution stones and her items for powering up Pokémon moves.

Luna and Tomo also had dragon fangs, Claire gave one each to the gang before they left Blackthorn City.

Tomo placed his items in his room as well.

Tomo had his own bedroom now, Julia had a spare room changed into a bedroom just for Tomo, sometime after Tomo became part of the family.

Luna always kept her locket with the rainbow wing with her just in case she would need to contact Ho-Oh while she was in Hoenn.

She also kept the silver locket with her, she feared it might end up stolen while she was gone.

During the stay, Luna explained to Professor Oak about her plan off just going to Hoenn with Pichu, Pachirisu, Rayquaza, Absol, Latias, Latios and the egg.

"Pachirisu wants to my new travelling partner along with Pichu. Pikachu and Small One got together he doesn't want to leave her, but he said that I can ask for his help when needed and Absol wanted to come and stay with me as well." Luna said. "Infernape decide to stay again apparently she was going to continue and watch over the lab."

"That's true," Professor Oak said, "Infernape and Lucario became excellent guardians at my Lab."

Tomo decided to go with Growlithe, Wynaut, Shuppet and Seedot.

"Are you going to do gym battles as well Tomo?" Professor Oak asked.

"I was thinking about doing that," Tomo said, "but no I'm not. I prefer just watching Luna compete in the gym battles. Truth is I don't know what I want to become at the moment."

"Don't worry," Luna said, "you'll find out what you want to be soon, I know you will."

Tomo trusted Luna's words.


The next day Luna was thinking a way to hide herself from the public eyes. Especially since she won two Conferences in a row at a young age wasn't easy, she wondered how does every champion and elites out there handle the public.

Luna hair had shown more green in it including her front bangs now and she doesn't really mind it, it just that it looks like she dyed it. [Shown in the image.]

Luna was reading the news in magazines and newspapers, she groan, she was on it.

The title says that Luna was given a title as 'The Region Princess' due to the fact of winning two conferences in a row and without losing a single Pokémon in all battles.

Luna wanted to be free away from them, how is she going to do that now?

"Mew dear," Julia called out, "come here for a minute."

"Coming." Luna replied picking up Pachirisu and Pichu. "Yes mum." She looked down seeing her mum holding hair dye. "Mum why do you have hair dye with you?"

"This is for you," Julia explained, "I brought it a while back when you first won your Conference in Kanto. I thought that since you hate being in the public you should change your appearance."

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