Chapter 13: Solrock and Lunatone. The Injured Swablu? The Cottonton Contest!

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It was a hot day today, and the gang was feeling thirsty and drinking out from their water canteens.

"We'll need to find some more water soon," Brock said, "my canteen is nearly empty and I still feel very thirsty."

The others were still so thirsty too.

"This weather is ridiculous!" Winter huff, "Is there anything releated to water near here? Brock?"

Brock looked through his map guide to see if there was any place around where they could get some more water, "Ah, there is. It says that there is a spring and a village not far from here," he said, "so we can get a nice drink and some rest for a while."

"Thank goodness, I've had enough of travelling with this hot heat." May said.

When the gang reached the spring, they found out that the spring had no water.

They went to the village to see if there was any water there, but the village stream had no water and neither did the village well.

"Now what are we going to do?" May complained, "there's no water anywhere and I'm still very thirsty."

Just then a young woman came up to the gang, "Excuse me," she said, "are you all travellers?"

"Yes we are," Winter answered, "we were hoping to get some water here, but we noticed that there's no water here."

"I am sorry about that; the truth is we have been suffering from a terrible drought lately which caused our stream to somehow dry up," the woman said, "and if it doesn't rain soon, everyone in this village may have to leave."

The gang felt sorry for the village.

"Please excuse me, but do you have any drop of water left?" May asked.

"I still have some water at my place." The woman said.

The woman, who was called Mary, took the gang into her house and introduced them to her grandmother.

Mary's grandmother named Toko she was wearing a lily pad shaped hat on her head.

Mary explained that the people in the village worshipped the Pokémon Lombre.

"That's right," Toko said, "in fact the water spring outside our village has a shrine that's dedicated to Lombre."

"We saw that spring earlier, but it was dried up too." May said.

"When did this drought start?" Winter asked.

Mary explained that a few nights ago a meteorite fell out of the sky and landed somewhere near the shrine.

Then Toko explained that two Pokémon, a Solrock and a Lunatone, were roaming about the forest, "It makes me wonder if they might have something to do with the drought."

"Eh, I have a Lunatone and Solrock but they are both shiny." Winter said, "I don't think that they cause the drought."

Brock looked thoughtful. "It is true that both Solrock and Lunatone are rock type Pokémon, as well as psychic type," he said, "and like Sky said, there's no way they would cause a water shortage like that."

"May I suggest we go talk to them Brock?" Winter asked, "since they've been roaming around the forest, they might know what's causing the water shortage."

Brock thought that was a good idea and so did Mary.

"Okay Winter, Brock, you and I will go to find Solrock and Lunatone," Mary said, "Grandma, you say here with the others."

"Okay, but be careful Mary." Toko said.

So Winter, Brock and Mary went off into the forest to find the Solrock and Lunatone.

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