Side Story 2: When Misty went Home

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After bidding farewell to Luna, Tomo and Brock, Misty was cycling her bike to Cerulean City to take over as gym leader to the Cerulean Gym.

"It will be nice being home again and seeing all of my water Pokémon again." Misty said to Togepi, who was riding in the basket of the bike.

Togepi agreed.

When she arrived to Cerulean City, she heard on the news on a TV screen that the Pokémon inspection agency was inspecting all the Pokémon gyms in Kanto.

The Pokémon inspection agency was a group of people who inspected Pokémon gyms one a month to check on the gyms.

If the gyms were fine and the gym leaders were doing their jobs right, then the gyms would stay open.

But if the gyms were not good and the gym leaders weren't doing their jobs properly then the gyms would be shut down.

Misty was worried, if she didn't get to Cerulean Gym soon the agency might shut it down for having no leader around, so she cycled as fast as she could all the way to the gym.

When Misty entered the gym there was a surprise waiting for her, Rudy and Mahri was there waiting for her.

"Rudy, Mahri hello." Misty greeted.

"Misty." Mahri said hugging her.

"Hi Misty," Rudy said giving her a hug as well, "we got your message that you were returning to the gym, so we decided to pay you a visit."

"I'm happy to hear that," Misty said, "but what about your gym? I hear the Pokémon inspection agency is making their rounds."

"Oh the gyms in the Orange Islands have already been inspected and everything is well," Rudy said, "and there aren't any challengers yet for a moment, so we are free to visit you for today."

Misty was happy to see her boyfriend and Mahri again.

Just then a Nurse Joy, in normal clothing, had arrived at the gym. "Hello there," she said, "are you Misty? I hear that you are the gym leader of Cerulean Gym."

"Yes that's me Nurse Joy," Misty said, "what can I do for you?"

"Well I would like to look around your gym and see all of the Pokémon you have here if you please." Nurse Joy said.

"Of course," Misty said, "and you join us too Rudy and Mahri."

Misty explained to Nurse Joy that Rudy was her boyfriend and that he and his sister had come to visit her and Nurse Joy didn't mind the extra company.

Misty showed Nurse Joy, Rudy and Mahri some of the water Pokémon that were swimming around in the pool and the rest of the Pokémon that were in their PokéBalls.

Misty was happy to see all her water Pokémon again and the Pokémon were happy to see her too.

Then she showed them the battle arena.

"Your gym is absolutely magnificent Misty," Nurse Joy commented, "and all of your Pokémon look in tip top shape and very happy."

"Thank you Nurse Joy," Misty said, "but you wouldn't believe how I ended up adopting most of the water Pokémon."

"Really, what happened?" Nurse Joy asked.

Misty explained how she adopted Tentacruel, Cloyster, Seadra, Vaporeon and Lapras after their abusive trainer, Damien, was arrested, and about how she adopted Octillery, five Remoraid, Lanturn, three Chinchou, two Mantine, two Mantyke, two Azurill, three Marill, Azumarill and Kingdra after some poachers caught them to sell them for money.

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