Chapter 6: Meeting Drew and Hoenn Starter Pokémon's! Slateport Contest!

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A few days after leaving Dewford Island, Winter was able to find an Everstone for her Kirlia so he doesn't evolve in a Gardevoir.

Soon the gang arrived at Slateport City where the next Pokémon contest was.

Winter was checking out the fourteen Pokémon she had with her right now: Pichu, Pachirisu, her Beautifly, Absol, Riolu, Mudkip, Teecko, Dustox, Feebas, Sableye, Seedot, Aron, Zigzagoon and Taillow. She was going to enter the Slateport City contest too and she was thinking of what Pokémon to use this time.

Winter recently caught Pokémon Aron, Seedot and Sableye they weren't ready for this yet, she shook her head and just train them all in new moves. She has also just given her mum the Beautifly and other Dustox to her.

Max was watching Winter and told May that she should train her Pokémon too.

"The contest may be another nine days," Max said, "but you should still train your Pokémon today."

May didn't like being ordered about, especially by Max, but she knew that he was right. She released Torchic, Azuril, Bellossom, Beautifly and Staryu from their PokéBalls.

"Okay everyone," May said, "I will be entering my first Pokémon contest here in Slateport City and we need to practice for it."

May found an empty area and had her Pokémon practice an attack one at a time: Torchic with ember, Beautifly with silver wind, Azuril with bubble, Bellossom with petal dance and Staryu with water gun. But this didn't turn out well, the Pokémon ended up hitting each other by mistake and then a fight broke out between them.

"Hey! That's enough!" May shouted.

The Pokémon stopped fighting.

"I think you better ask Sky about this," Max suggested, "she knows more about training than you do." May agreed with that.

"Your definitely are a beginner." A voice said.

The voice belonged to a green haired boy, about a year older than May.

"You're Pokémon aren't ready for a Pokémon contest." The boy said.

May got angry by that comment, "Who do you think you are?" She demanded.

"My name is Drew," the boy said, "and seriously you have a lot to learn little girl."

May got angry again from that comment.

"Come on May," Max said, "let's not bother with him and let's go train with Winter."

"Winter? You mean Winter Sky Storm who won the Rustboro Contest?" Drew asked.

"Yes that's right," May said, "my brother and I are travelling with her."

"I see," Drew said, "well at least there will be a worthy opponent in the Slateport Contest." And he left.

"I will mop the floor with that guy once I win the contest." May said angrily.

At that time, Winter was practicing with Beautifly because she decided to use her for the contest because Beautifly was the one who wanted to enter, Winter had no problem with it.

Absol came out of her PokéBall on her own, Winter didn't mind much she's quite used to her Pokémon's popping out on their own.

Right now Winter had Beautifly use morning sun and silver wind to show of her coloured wings, sparkling.

"Beautiful. Wow Snow," May said, "you really know what you're doing, unlike me."

"Need help May?" Winter asked.

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