Chapter 11: Meeting Nicholai Again. Fallabor Contest! The Torchic Farm.

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Today the gang was taking a break from travelling and May started to practice for the Fallabor contest. She had a new Pokémon on her team; a Skitty.

The other day May found an unwell Skitty, and she and the boys took it to a Pokémon doctor to be healed.

After Skitty was healed, May caught Skitty and was happy with her new Pokémon.

May's current team was Torchic, Beautifly, Azurill, Skitty, Volbeat and Illumise.

Winter was training her Pokémon too, apart from Pichu and Pachirisu, she had Corphish, Feebas, Zigzagoon, Poochyena, Seedot, S.Bagon, S.Trapinch, Torchic, Taillow, Kirlia, Riolu and S.Aron.

Winter had found out that the Lavaridge Town gym used fire type Pokémon and she decided to use Corphish and, if she could, Feebas to gain some experience.

Suddenly a a bipedal Pokémon resembling a cross between a mongoose and cat. Although it is classified as a bipedal Pokémon, it usually walks on all fours. Its fur is mostly white with deep red, scar-like markings on the face, chest, and forepaws. It has two long, black claws on its forepaws, and pink paw pads on its hind feet. It has pink eyes, long ears, and a small red nose. When it opens its mouth, two sharp fangs can be seen on its upper jaw. There are small tufts of white fur on its shoulders, and it has a large, fluffy tail. It ran past the gang at a fast speed.

"Woah." Winter said.

"Hey it's a Zangoose." Max said excitedly.

Tomo looked at Zangoose on his PokéDex:
Zangoose, the Cat Ferret Pokémon.
It has feuded with Seviper for many generations. Its sharp claws are its biggest weapons.

"Wow, so does that mean that Zangoose and Seviper fight with each other all the time?" Tomo asked Max.

"Yes, and once they start fighting they don't stop until one or the other is defeated."

"Gosh." Tomo said.

Just then another Zangoose appeared, but it started talking.

"Hang on a minute," Winter said, "is that you Nicholai?"

Nicholai was a Pokémon trainer, who liked to dress up as different Pokémon and who the gang met in Petalburg Forest.

Nicholai was happy to see the gang again and he introduced Zangoose as his new Pokémon.

"So how have you been Nicholai?" Winter asked.

"I've been great thank you," Nicholai answered, "I've been to different places, seen some cool new Pokémon, as well as catching some new Pokémon for myself, and I've been participating in different Pokémon battles and gym battles too. The truth is I battled the Petalburg Gym some time ago."

"Really, did you win?" May asked.

"No I lost. Your dad is really strong and hard to beat," Nicholai said, "but I plan to try again after I get a bit stronger."

"Well then, why don't you have a battle with me?" Winter asked, "My Pokémon has been itching for a battle."

"I accept your battle Winter, but you won't beat me this time." Nicholai said.

Nicholai and Winter had a Pokémon battle together the last time they met, and Winter defeated Nicholai's Zigzagoon with her Taillow.

Winter and Nicholai got ready to battle, and Brock became the referee and declared the Pokémon battle a two on two battles.

Nicholai dressed up as a Marshtomp and released a Marshtomp from a PokéBall. This meant that Nicholai's Mudkip was now a Marshtomp.

Winter sent out Seedot to battle, as Marshtomp was part ground type as well as water, electric type attack wouldn't work but grass would.

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