Chapter 21: Dusk Contest; Harley Strikes Again! Sootopolis Gym Water Battles!

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Today the gang had come to Dusk Town where the next contest was.

Winter had her new Absol who she named him Kek, checked in the Pokémon Centre to see if his wound was all right.

Winter told Nurse Joy about what happened in Riyado Town and the snare trap.

Of course it made Nurse Joy cross about the people in Riyado Town hating Absol, but she was relieved that they didn't anymore.

Kek already lots of attack like; scratch, leer, quick attack, quick attack, razor wind, sword dance, bite double team, water pulse, calm mind, thunder bolt, flamethrower, ice beam, hyper beam, iron tail, aerial ace, secret power, stone edge, dark pulse, shadow claw, cut and the egg move megahorn.

Of course Winter was happy to have an incredible Pokémon and couldn't wait to try him out in battles.

Right now the gang was at the contest hall May could sign up to enter.

At the reception desk, the lady said that there was no more application left, it was disappointing to May who couldn't it.

"That's okay I'll enter the next one." May smiled.

"Oh, not entering the contest May?" A familiar voice asked.

It was Harley, he was entering the Dusk Contest.

"What a pity, these could have been my chance to defeat you this time May." Harley said.

Winter twitch, "Watch it Harley I warned you once didn't I." She said.

Harley flinched and left with a huff.

"Man, I hope someone beat him in his place." May frowned.

"You and me both May."


The Dusk Contest soon started and Vivian gave the usual introductions and showed off the Dusk Ribbon.

The Dusk Ribbon was purple-pink, with a light pink outline.

May and Winter was sitting in the seats with Brock, Tomo and Max.

"Can't wait." May said excitedly.

The rest nodded agreeing they couldn't wait to see the performances.


The preliminary rounds started and for Mark was first, the gang recognise him from the previous contest with his Pokémon Sableye and Tortoal.

This time he called out his Grovyle and ordered it to do aerial ace. Grovyle ran fast across the stage surrounded by white streaks.

The judges and audience were impressed with Grovyle's speed.

"Now Grovyle fire an energy ball into the air and then fire dragon breath at it." Mark said.

Grovyle fired energy ball into the air and then fired dragon breath at it. The dragon breath and energy ball attacks burst into blue-green particles, and then

Mark and Grovyle did their finishing pose.

Mark got a score of 28.7.


Some more great performances came after Mark's performance, there was a Shellder using icicle spear, Growlithe doing flamethrower, Bellossom using magical leaf and Crobat using air cutter.

Finally it was Harley's turn and he called out Cacturne. Cacturne did a combination of bullet seed and poison sting and which gave off particles of yellow and purple.

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