Chapter 14: Meet Brendan and Wally. Petalburg Gym! Training? Meeting Riley?

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The gang had arrived at the northern part of Petalburg City, so it wouldn't be long until Winter could battle Norman for a badge at last.

Right now they were in the Pokémon Centre, having their Pokémon checked.

Winter actually had both her Latias and her Latios with her.

The truth is when she last saw Norman, Norman asked Winter to battle him with her Latias in their gym battle.

"I still don't understand why dad asked you to battle him with Latias Snow." May said.

"Simple May, it isn't every day that a gym leader gets to battle with a Legendary Pokémon," Winter said, "and anyway Latias wants to have a go at fighting in a gym battle."

"Fine with me." May said.

Winter's Latias and Latios were out of their PokéBalls, but they were disguised in human forms.

Winter's Latios had grown up over the months and he now knew how to fly, swim, turn invisible, use sight-sharing with his mum Latias and he knew how to disguise himself. His disguise form was actually Winter's dad, but from when he was eight years old. Which was a surprise for her.

Winter learned from Professor Oak that Julia showed some photos to Latias and Latios of when he was younger and Latios decided to take on Leo's eight year old self for a disguised human form who has spiky red hair with pink highlights and sky-blue eyes {A/N: Imagine Namikaze Minato spiky hairstyle.} And of course Latias stuck with her Bianca form.

Latias asked Winter if she and Latios could stay out of their PokéBalls for today and Winter agreed.

Truth is she and Latios wanted to spend the day with Winter; Latios had a special bond with her, just like his mum Latias.

Right now the gang were just leaving the centre, when suddenly they got surrounded by a big crowd of people.

The people were excited about May and Max having returned to Petalburg City.

The truth is everyone in Petalburg City was fans of Norman, since he was a great gym leader.

They also knew that May and Max had been on a Pokémon journey and that May had become a Pokémon coordinator.

"Tell us May, what has it been like for you as a Pokémon coordinator?" Asked a woman, name was Rose.

"Well Rose, it was difficult and scary for me at first, especially since I had no idea of what to do or about anything of Pokémon," May admitted, "but thanks to my three friends Snow I mean Winter, Brock and Tomo, I've learnt a lot and I'm having lots of fun."

"So am I." Max said.

May and Max did introduce Winter, Brock and Tomo to everyone, but the crowd wasn't interested in them; only of May and Max.

Since May and Max were getting a lot of attention from the crowd, Winter, Tomo and Brock decided to keep out of their way for a while.

Suddenly three boys came up to Winter, Brock and Tomo.

"So you three are traveling with Max and May?" The first boy said who has brown hair and brown eyes named Kai.

"Yes that's right," Winter answered, "and we came back here to Petalburg City so that I can battle Norman for a badge."

"Well that's too bad because you won't get a badge there." The second boy said who has blonde hair and blue eyes named Willis.

Winter was annoyed, "What, why not?" She asked.

"Because only special chosen trainers can battle Norman and you're not one of them." The third boy said who has red hair and purple eyes named John.

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