Chapter 26: Contest Battle Rounds Starts!!

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Thanks to the people that voted on who will Luna and May battle against, I appreciate it so much! Onto the story to see who is against who.


The results were up; May and Luna got into the battle rounds, and so did Robert, Drew, Anthony, Harley, Angelica and Mark.

Caroline, Brock, Tomo and Max were happy for Luna and May.

Then the screen showed who will battle against whom in the first round of the double battle matches.

By surprise but Luna was amused by the choice, May would battle Angelica and Luna would battle Harley in the first round.

Angelica and Harley thought a different Angelica wanted to battle against Luna and Harley wanted payback a giant May or Mark for defeating him before.

"Wanna ya know, talk about luck of the draw." Luna smirked, "Harley you better not hold back against me or else the result is painful~" She sang.

Drew, Robert, Anthony and Mark looked at Harley's face which was paling white and sweating, 'Ouch, talk about a hard battle for first round battle.' They thought.

"Oh well, I can also defeat you again like the last contest." Angelica smirked arrogantly.

"Bring it on, it won't be like the last time." May challenged.


It was now time for the battle rounds of the Hoenn Grand Festival to begin.

Now it was Luna up against Harley first and they were ready to start the battle.

'This is going to be difficult.' Harley thought, 'Especially when her reputation has it that she hasn't lost a single Pokémon in two leagues.'

'This is going to be fun~' Luna smiled.

"Cacturne and Banette, come on out!" Harley released his scarecrow and marionette Pokémon.

"Illumise, Volbeat show them your strength!" Luna released both firefly Pokémon who both came out glittering showing how healthy their wings and body where.

The audience and judges where already impressed.

Harley started off by telling his Banette to use screech and Cacturne to use bullet seed.

Banette's screech attack put Volbeat and Illumise off from doing anything and then they got hit by Cacturne's bullet seed, but they quickly shook of the attack.

"Let's take one out, Illumise and Volbeat planet shadow ball." Luna said.

Everyone was wondering what type of attack was that, since they have never heard off it before and so they watched carefully.

Illumise and Volbeat looked at each other and nodded, the male firefly Pokémon released a huge shadow ball twice its original size and then the female firefly Pokémon rapped fire seven other shadow balls surround the larger one.

To the audience and judges the shadow ball looks like a planet with small planets around it.

Before Harley could react to the gaint shadow balls coming they hit Banette hard and since Banette was a ghost type and shadow ball is a ghost type attack it was super effective, adding extra damage of the small shadow balls.

"Banette no!" Harley shouted as Banette collapse onto the ground with a 'thud' and swirling eyes.

Harley points went down by half since it was unable to continue.

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