Chapter 14: Q

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I walked out the door of my apartment and made my way to the cafe. Today was my day off, but I still wanted to visit the cafe for breakfast.

I was walking through a crowd of people, until I felt someone bump into me.

"Oh, excuse me!" I say .

"Oh, Hi Miss Y/n!" I hear a high pitched voice say.

I look down and see Q.

"Huh?" I mumble. "Oh, Q! What a coincidence to see you."

He giggled. "Such a small world! What are you doing?"

"Oh... I was actually on my way to get breakfast.... Do you wanna join me?"

~Time Skip~

I blink in surprise as I drink my coffee and watch Q eat pancakes like there's no tomorrow.

"Wow... You must have been hungry." I say.

"Can I get more?" He asked.

"You sure you won't get a stomach ache? I have to pay for this, you know?"


I sigh in defeat, "Fine. Excuse me, could we get some more pancakes?" I ask Lucy walking by.

"Of course!" She says and continues walking. 

I hear my phone buzz and answer it.

"Hello? I ask.

"Y/n, where are you?"

It was Dazai.

"Go away." I say.

"Hey, wait-"

I hang up.

"Who was that?" Q asks in a stage whisper.

"A friend of mine."

"He didn't seem like a friend when you hung up on him like that." He says, taking another bite of his pancakes.

I sigh. And put my phone in my pocket.

 ~Time skip~

"Well, I'll see you later, Q." I sigh.

"Okay, maybe I'll-"

"Y/n!" I hear a voice from behind me yell.

I turn around and see Dazai running our way.

"Dazai?" I mumble.

He looks at me and notices Q, looking up at him.

"Hi, Dazai!" Q waves.

Dazai steps back.

"Oh, you both know each other?" I ask.

Dazai grabs my hand.

"Huh? What are you-"

He pulls me over beside him.

"We should go." He whispered in my ear.

"Why would we-"

"Well, I should get going!" Q says, "Bye bye, N/n!" (N/n=Nickname)

"Bye, Q!" I wave and watch him walk away into the crowd of people.

I then remembered I'm against Dazai,  holding his hand, his face right by my left ear.

I felt my cheeks go red.

"S-so.... Are you going to let go of my hand or-"

He ignores me and walks as fast as he can.

"Dazai, what the hell are you doing?"

He still ignores me.

He finally leads me to an alley. He was so silent it scared me. I couldn't even see his facial expression. His back was facing toward me.

I pull my hand back from his and stare at him.

"Dazai, what's wrong?" I ask.

I felt shivers in my legs while his back was facing me. He finally turned around. He had a serious look on his face.

"That boy...." He mumbled.

He stared at me that gave you the kind of feeling like he's going to yell at you, or even worse. The kind of feeling when you think he's going to slap you, like he's secretly judging you in his head. It made me nervous.

"That boy is part of the Port Mafia, you know that, right?" He finally said.

"Wait...what?" I said.

"Stay away from him. He's by far the most dangerous member." He said. "Promise?"

I looked at him for a few seconds.

"I promise."

I knew I was lying.

Lucky and Unlucky {Dazai x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now