special chapter: different dimension Azur Lane part 5 part 2

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Chapter start: May/8/2022 10:18


Y/n group and Lucy group went different ways as y/n group went to were the siren-shipgirls are at while lucy group went straight towards Tokyo with roon, kasumi, Kirishima, and hiei with them.

~~with y/n group~~

Y/n group were getting close to where the siren-shipgirls were at as they were riding on y/n ship as y/n put the maximum speed on her ship. Y/n friends were either standing there grounds or holding onto something so they don't fall or slip off of y/n ship.

Tosa: Damn, I didn't expect them to attack so soon.

George: Indeed, but it can't be help, I guess.

Dreadnought: I do not wish to hurt queen Elizabeth, but I have no choice but to put her to rest.

Monarch: "Grab Dreadnought shoulder." Don't worry dreadnought; I will be the one to put her to rest.

P-kaga: How long until we get there?

Bel: Not that long, with this speed we well probably be there less in them 5 minutes.

P-hood: Well, can we go any faster?!

Eugen: Calm down, this the maximum speed y/n ship can go, plus, were almost there anyways.

True to eugen words, they see the siren-shipgirls in front of them as they were waiting for themas y/n narrow her eyes at this. The first leaders narrow their eyes as well, as they also took notice of this as they wonder what the siren-shipgirls are up to. Without thinking much, everyone jumped off of y/n ship as y/n jumped off as well as she summoned the red Commander as her rigging. The siren-shipgirls with ash leading them charge towards them as y/n friend's charge towards them as well as they begin to battle.

~~with lucy group~~

Lucy group were seen getting close to Tokyo with roon in front of them as she was going full speed ahead of everyone. Most of the D/D shipgirls try to catch up to her, but she was going way too fast as they wondered how a heavy cruiser was going so fast.

D/D zuikaku: How is she going so fast? For a heavy cruiser, she's going faster them our roon!

D/D takao: she must really want to fight against that siren scharnhorst.

D/D hiryuu: I wonder what her relationship with that scharnhorst.

D/D souryuu: who knows, but we must stay vigilant!

D/D roon: I'm jealous! Not only is she strong, but she's also fast? No fair!

D/D friedrich: calm down child, I'm sure you well reach her level of power and speed in no time.

D/D Javelin: You girls think both Miss roon from the World and the Siren scharnhorst were good friends?

D/D z23: maybe or they probably were rivals in their time!

D/D laffey: Yeah, maybe.

D/D ayanami: This battle well be really hard with her there.

D/D enterprise: Commander were getting close to Tokyo, and the siren have already started to attack the city.

Lucy: "nodded" thank you enterprise, all aircraft carriers, launch your planes, and try to protect the people.

D/D aircraft carriers: right!

All D/D aircraft carriers launched their planes as they flew towards Tokyo as they started to fire their guns and drop their bombs on the siren ships.

~~with scharnhorst meta~~

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