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After brushing his teeth and grabbing our bags, we head out the hut into the sea air wisping our hair around. For some reason, last night just made me connect with him so much, I could put my life in his hands. Well, I did and he almost killed me. No, shut up Savannah you'll ruin it. I just feel alot better about us, he has his problems but who am I kidding, I would happily spend the rest of my life with him.

We arrive on the straight outside college hand in hand and then abruptly he stops.

'Get on my back' he commands.

'What?' He cut me off by swooping over his shoulder onto his back before running into the car park of college. I look to where Nate is running to see Kirsten, Jonah, Erin and some other gothic looking dude sat under my tree. Wait, why are they under my tree?

We run over and are warmly greeted before flopping down beside them.

'Y'all seem pretty happy' Jonah questions while smirking. We all laugh and Nate hits him on the leg. I do actually quite like having these people as my friends, of course they have faults, but what friends don't, right? I know they smoke drugs and drink but who cares, it just means i'll out live them. I laugh out loud not realising until all eyes are on me.

'What?' Erin asks.

'You know when you think of something and just laugh inside but then for some weird reason laugh out loud'. Everyone's faces go blank. Jonah awkwardly coughs while lighting up a cigarette.

'Well then...' i laugh off light-heartedly.

'Hey Nate, Savannah' Erin interrupts. 'This is Sam, he's my er.. uh'

Why is she hesitating, out and away with it Erin, god sake. I interrupt.

'He's you're what?'

'My boyfriend'

'Way to go' Kirsten smirks.

No wonder Erin was so uncertain about saying it, she's always kept her play toys a secret, I only ever hear second hand from Kirsten who rips it out of her. This one must be more, but he's not her usual type, she usually goes for typical cliché volleyball boys, or jockeys, he's so... Not that.

Light brown wavy hair tousled up and over his head quite messily, deep brown eyes, he's quite thin in the face, not all there. I n all Let's take a wild guess and bet he's on drugs, like the rest of the population. Since when was doing drugs the new trend, it's pathetic im sorry, I understand people do it to get a feeling like no other but cant anyone see the damage it's doing? 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'... Oh yeah, and cave out your face and mentally scar you, craving more and become delusional. 'Stronger' you say?

Jonah interrupts everyone's conversations and smirks. What is he doing?

'Okay, so i need you all to not freak out but I have something to tell you' he suggests looking around. We all sit blank faced and confused, what the hell is he talking about. He smirks then pulls out a handful of slips of paper and fan them out in front of us. On the slips read '1 Admin' 'Electrofest 2015' 'Santa Barbara'. My heart skips a beat. NO! HE GOT BLOODY TICKETS FOR BLOODY ELECTROFEST HOLY CRAP!

In chorus we all scream and launch ourselves on top of Jonah screaming things like

'Jonah, you got tickets to Electrofest'

'You absolute maniac'

'God, I love you'

How on earth did he get tickets? And six of them.

'How?' I shout through the pile on of people.

'Parents said it was better than paying for spring break' he exclaims leaning back. We all laugh and scramble back to normality. This makes my heart go at double pace, the feeling is overwhelming. Me and my friends are actually going to the biggest festival in California, and for free!

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