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Oh man, I really did not think through the whole 'needing to pee' scenario before I came. Here I am, jammed between two people in a queue which seems to be moving at the speed off my brain.

It feels good to be away from home for a while, away from my past. The day has gone smoothly so far, except the slight hiccup where Erin now has decided to sleep in the van instead of sharing with Sam.

I'm not really even sure why she decided to turn up to this except purely to get her money's worth. The damage has done, you can't just cover it over by acting like nothing has happened.

It won't fix anything.

After peeing for what feels like an eternity, I begin to make my way back to the Main Stage, manoeuvring around yet more sweaty bodies.

When I return, everyone is sat down waiting for the next act to come on, I flop down in between Ash and Sam.

'Savannah! Wanna play?' Erin asks.

'Play what?' I say making myself more comfortable.

'Would you rather..' she answers. I nod looking around for something to focus on bar this sad excuse of a game.

'Hm...' She says rubbing her hand on her chin. 'Would you rather see everything upside down or lose your ability to see colour?' 

Who even asks that? Usually it's just would you rather have toes as fingers or fingers as toes. I genuinely have to think hard about this one.

'Lose the ability to see colour because otherwise I'd be throwing up everywhere constantly because I'd confuse myself and get dizzy' I logically reply.

'Well it would suck going to a powder paint fight with you' She laughs. I've always wanted to go to one of those as well. Damn.

We're suddenly interrupted by the loud roar of the crowd around us as they all jump to their feet. I turn around to see some familiar faces run on stage, and the more I look the more they become familiar. One looks a lot like Pete Wentz. Hang on, that is Pete Wentz!


I scream at the top of my voice at their presence.

Fall out mother fucking boy.

They then break out into 'The Kids Aren't Alright' making a wave of happiness rush through my body. I look around to see the rest of the crowd jumping in unison and hitting around large beach balls, could this get any better?

'Savannah' someone taps me on the shoulder, and I turn around to see Jonah finally back after all this time.

'Jonah, its Fall Out Boy' I shout over the music. My grin instantly drops when I see who's stood behind him, staring uncomfortably at the floor.

'Surprise?' He holds up his hands in question, and Nate finally looks up. Jonah awkwardly shuffles away to Kirsten, leaving Nate and a teared up me.

He walks a few steps closer to me leaving us inches away from each other. I can feel my heart rapidly increase in speed, and I hope to god he doesn't realise what he does to me, I stop staring at the floor much too awkwardly and trail my eyes up his ever so familiar body. I know this is the most inconvenient time but seeing him in black skinnies and a red flannel never gets old. I finally reach his face, getting lost in his grey eyes, I take a hard swallow to try and stop myself from launching myself at him. I don't know why but somehow out of habit, I suddenly lace my fingers with his, he flinches slightly before complying with me, squeezing slightly.

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