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Something had changed, unlike last time, I wasn't thrown in the back of the van, I was sat in the front trying to squeeze up to the window as much as possible in order to create as much space between me and Seth. I was no longer a stupid teen who made a mistake, I was valuable. I was his way to get Nate.

He turned on the CD player in the van to fill the silence. I recognised the song as Take Me To Church — Hoizer and began to sing along in my head to try and blur out what was happening around me. He had a gun tightly clasped in his other hand which was also on the steering wheel, slowly nodding along to the music being played.

I knew exactly where we were, we were going up the west coast, the same road which me and Nate drove up, this gave me slight satisfaction knowing where I was, of course it was ages away from home but it's better than being in Australia where I would have no idea where I was.

I looked up to see the exact hill where I and Nate drove to the top of to let off the fireworks. I giggle slightly thinking back to that night.

'What?' He snaps looking over at me.

Oh crap, did I actually just laugh to myself, this is not good, pull yourself together Sav and shut up.


'Well shut up then.' He grits through his teeth.

After hours of driving, I zone back in as Seth's phone rings. He smiles smugly and answers.

'Jonah, my buddie' He darkly says through the phone.

'JONAH HELP PLEASE' I shout through the phone before Seth flips around and plunges his fist into my stomach making me yelp.

He laughs again. 'I knew it wasn't Jonah, nice to see you — Cooper' He spits dragging out the last word; I instantly turn around, my eyes wild with rage. It makes me angry even knowing Seth is speaking to Nate, the fact that he has to be in contact with him, it hurts.

'Now that would be too easy wouldn't it? You're going to do what I say or she dies, it's your choice really' He slurs before hanging up the phone and dropping it to fall back into his lap.

'You can't do this' I spit.

'I can do what the hell I like darling, and you agreed... Ha!' He looked round at me with a wide grin, the smug ass hole.

A few hundred miles later, we turn off the main road and wind up at what looks to be an unused factory of some sort.

The van pulls up and Seth hops out swiftly. I sit there franticly looking through the glove compartments trying to find anything to defend myself with, or a phone to call for help with... Nothing.

He returns to the car while on the phone and signals for me to get out the car with his hand. I clamber out the van knowing the danger I put myself in and walk over to where he is stood.

'YOU DONT OWN ME RICHARDSON' He yells down the phone before shutting it off.

'Right then, lets text lover boy the first set of instructions' He smiles fumbling with his phone. 'Sit, bitch' He spits showing me a broken wall. I sheepishly comply and sit on top the wall, pulling my hoodie further over my hands. 


mini update becuz im actually writing tonight instead of just updating what I've already wrote, AND im going to see Luke Friend in concert so I wont have time to update much tonight, sorry

anyway, ill leave you with Sav being used as bait, omg dis scene so bait GAHAHAHA okay sorry

see you soon I guess

EM X :)

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