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Pacing towards the pier, i sense a disturbance, its late evening on a Wednesday, why would anyone be on the beach when there are awesome parties with awesome people doing awesome things.. pft, sense the sarcasm again? As i reach where i sit, i come across a heap of on the floor of material, maybe a guitar as well, i cant quite make it out in the shadow of the night. Suddenly, the heap moves and from it appears a boy violently holding up a pen knife making it obvious he didn’t expect to be disturbed, a year or two older than me?

‘Holy, i didn’t mean to disturb you. I don’t mean no harm sorry i just’. A sigh of relief washes his face as he falls back against the concrete wall under the pier. As my eyes adjust, i can see him clearly. Oh. My. God. He slumps there with his dark blonde hair tousled in a slumped quiff falling over his forehead. He’s wearing a black tank top covered with a dark grey hoodie,  is that a lip piercing i can see? Well we can establish he’s not a local considering every so called boy around here waddles around with their iced gem quiff and ego following them around. He’s... i don’t even know, he’s different. I like different. Unaware of the time im stood in front of him, i forget im staring (and most likely drooling) at him.

‘You can take a picture, it’ll last longer’ he snaps at me. I instantly blush tucking my dark blonde hair behind my ear.

‘Sorry, i um, i... What are you doing down here?’ I cautiously ask. He scowls up at me.

‘Why should it matter to you?’ Like fucking hell, you’re the one sat in my place, and i was just being polite, Jesus if you weren’t so hot i would be so pissed right now. Suddenly i feel an outraging heat build up deep inside me.

‘You know what, screw you. I’ve tried to be polite but im tired of shit heads like you on my case all the time for simply talking’ i snarl almost breaking into tears. I turn around abruptly and face the ground trying to force the tears away and bring forward the anger. It doesn’t work.

‘Are you flirting with me?’ he smirks up at me. I turn around in disbelief and utter shock.

 ‘Are you kidding me? Oh my, i mean after all you are the one sat in my spot’ i reply. I have no idea what he’s on about, one minute he’s whining about me simply looking at him and now he thinks im some bloody bird trying to flutter his feathers. Wow, i was wrong about him, his ego is just as big as everyone else’s. He starts hysterically laughing. Why is he laughing? Stop it. Stop! He stops and looks up at me gazing like he knows my biggest secret.

‘What?’ i snap.

‘Nothing, i just didn’t realise this place was labelled as your spot’. He then stands up towering above me looking down intimidating me making me step back and try to cover up the blushing on my face by coughing.

‘I mean if you really want to sit here, I’ll find somewhere else...’

‘No no, its fine i mean I’ve got to be heading home now anyway, it’s cool ,chill’ i smile at him briefly and swiftly turn around trudging through the sand back up to the pavement.

 ‘Later, Hoodie’ I call back.  The streetlights ignite the roads with warm orange light flooding away the darkness as i walk down the desolate road swinging my arms from side to side. Causally i look down at my phone, Shit! 5 missed calls and 3 messages.

Just got home and you’re

Not here, where the hell

are you Savannah?        



Savannah this isn’t funny

Oh my this could not get any worse, not only is missed calls bad enough, but a pissed mother on the other end can only end in my social and literal death.  Walking back to ‘hoodie’ kid seems like no so bad of an idea now. Why was he even there? Especially with blankets and a guitar, oh no, you don’t think he’s... No no, he was probably just about to walk back home just like me. Right? Lost in thoughts, I forget to reply to my mum and quickly rummage in my denim jacket pocket for my phone, horridly i type back

On way home now. Saw Dr Chapman and chatted for a bit.

I plug in my headphones and play ‘All American Rejects – Move Along’. I do love that song, you know that one song which just gives you goose bumps and for 3 minutes make you feel a lot better about everyone and everything, this is that song. And i love the dark, two of my favourite things, music and the dark. I like darkness because you can’t see anything and its like you’re in the middle of nothing, like you don’t exist. I’ve always wanted to die and see what it’d be like for everyone, seeing how they’d cope, who’d speak up about stuff they’d never have admitted when I was alive, or if they’d all forget me. I just really want to find out, because it seems everybody has everything locked up inside them, i mean of course we all supposedly tell our best friends everything, but is it really everything? I doubt it. And when someone dies, all the truth is released, there’s nothing to hold you back anymore, no judgemental comments or looks. And it just somehow really appeals to me, it sounds messed up i know but in the end we are all going to die anyway.

 I arrive home in a few minutes and return to my dad on his laptop (as usual) and mum and Cameron sat around the TV catching up on Broadchurch. I quietly close the door and pad up the stairs trying not to disturb anyone.  I walk into my room and close the door behind me unloading all my clothes until im just left in my top and pants, crawling into bed and turning off the lights.

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