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I sit there, in what seems like a never ending meadow of flowers, all perfectly aligned, isolated in the vast expanse of fields.


I turn around to the source of the sound to see nothing.


I do a full scope anxiously, trying to find out where the sound is located.

Tap, Tap.

I gasp in air quickly and bolt up, seeing myself lead in my bed. I peer over to my window. Tap. A rock lightly hits it, making me jump. Worriedly, I scurry out of my covers and walk over to my window, to see Sam looking straight up with small pebbles in his hand.

'Hey' He sighs. 'About time!'

'Are you trying to break my window or something?' I laugh, before telling him to come to the front door.

As soon as I open it, he comes bounding in, colliding with me in a hug.

'Sam?' I say, still not fully awake. 'Its 5:30'

'And you know what today is?' He releases me, before bouncing on his feet.

It's Saturday Sam. Why does he ask such stupid questions, unlike him, I don't tend to store random facts like 'Oh yeah, I had completely forgot, today is the day 20 years ago Michael Jackson released Earth Song'.

'Electrofest?' He questions, bringing me back to reality. Woah, hang on, Electrofest? I swear it's on the 23rd? I stare down dubiously at my watch to see Saturday 23rd of June 2015 displayed on my phone. Holy crap, I actually did forget.

'Savannah?' He asks dragging out my name.

'Oh my god, I need to — shit, help me pick out what to wear' I say, pulling him up the stairs clumsily.

As I enter my room, and turn around, for some weird reason, assume it would be Nate's hand I'm holding but my smile slightly fades when I see its only Sam. I love Sam to pieces but Nate was just something else, Sam's smile also fades when he sees my response.

'What is it?' He says, letting go of my hand as a precaution.

'Nothing, I just — um, realised I have like no clothes' I laugh it off and spin around opening the doors to my wardrobe.

'This' he points out to a stringy like white vest, grabbing it and some faded Levi shorts.

'You realise this is completely and utterly see through right?' I say staring at him through it, tilting my head sideways. He reflects my expression on the other side of the top.

'Wear something under it then you doofus' He laughs before grabbing a lacy black cropped 'thing', launching it to me.

'Hey' I shout stumbling backwards. He sits down on my bed, making himself comfy.

I swizzle my finger at him, indicating for him to turn around whilst I get dressed. I quickly strip my PJ bottoms before squeezing on my Levi's. It feels so weird with Sam in the room, weird enough, it feels like I've known him my whole life which I can only assume is good. I strip off my top leaving me in just my shorts and bra, feeling awfully exposed. I pad over to my dresser where my deodorant is and spray quickly.

Suddenly, my door bursts open and Jonah walks in looking down before casually looking up, to then almost dropping his phone. 'Jesus Savannah —' He shouts before his eyes dart over to Sam who is now looking at Jonah. I grab a random top off the floor and hold it in front of myself trying to gather the last fragments of my dignity.

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