Chapter 2 { Interrogation }

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James 1:12

"Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him."

Ziana Carter
Word Count: 3654

"Thirsty?" Chief Roman miller asks in that condescending voice with his long legs spread on the other side of the table Inconsiderately leaving no space for my own legs to escape his.

"Why did you bring me here? i did nothing wrong!" I exclaim looking ahead at Chief Miller as he holds a cup of what i suppose is coffee in his hand, im sitting on a cold metal chair with my legs crossed underneath the table and my hands in hand cuffs crossed on top of the table.

"If we dont have consequences for our actions will we ever learn?" He said in that smart tone while still sipping on his burning hot coffee, judging by the smell of the room.

The room is dark and has a simple table in it along with a lamp that i suppose he will shine in my face at some point just like in the movies? Pathetic.

If he thinks he is going to scare me he has got the wrong girl. I just hope Elijah is okay. He wouldn't even be in this mess if it wasn't for me and my big mouth.

i have been stuck in this room with Chief officer big shot for the past 15 minutes now, there is no clock in here, nothing but a large blank one way window.. but it isnt my first time here, let's just say you learn how to tell the time without even seeing it.

"Im not afraid of you or any of your cop boyfriends, Keep that in mind before you try your whole police strong man act." I state, trying to assert my dominance. Im a woman of God now, we are as strong as they come.

"No?" he asks with a hint of curiosity in his voice as he leans back in his chair crossing his arms, his gaze intensely searching my face for a drop of fear that i know he wont find.

"No." I reply plainly.. He chuckles under his breath as his head drops down, showing my face his shiny short dark hair.

"Why would you assume i want you to fear me, young lady?" He asks in a curious tone as his fingers do a little dance on the coffee cup in front of him...

"Isnt that what you cops are meant to do? Put on some fake intimidation act to assert your position in society, then claim you are here to help us but in reality you guys are no different than the damn mafia." I uttered shaking my head as my foot tapped on the floor, he chuckled again at my comment.

His laugh is unexpected, its deep and has a tone that vibrates in your eardrums, it causes his one dimple to show and i hate the fact that it isnt the worst sound ive ever heard... Maybe the second worst or third..

Stop lying to yourself.... The wicked voice utters making me shake my head to get it out. If only it were that easy

"Is there something funny Chief?" I say in an insulted tone excuse me but quite frankly i can't seem to find anything comedic about this situation. Im unfairly being questioned simply for doing the same thing the other protesters do..

"You say your not afraid of me..." He gets up swiftly from the chair and his feet click so loudly in the mute room as he begins to walk across the room until he reaches the back of my chair.

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