|Here and there|

393 28 0

All's well that ends well to end up with you

Jimin titled his head as he drew the line on the paper and made a pouty lips to think and again write something on the paper. "Jimin" someone called him as he looked beside him.

"Mr.Min" Jimin stoodup and bowed at him, "It's okay..sit sit" he gesture him to sit as he sat opposite to him. "I was looking for you yesterday and your friend said that you're absent" Mr.Min said while scanning the Jimin's paper which he drew before.

"Yes, Mr.Min. My grandpa's sick so I took day off"

"Is he okie Now?" He immediately worried about him, "Yeah He is fine" Jimin nodded.

"He will be okie" Mr.Min said and He searched for something on his file "Here" he gave to Jimin who took it cluelessly "This is one of the Top designing company in seoul. I've been watching you work so hard,  so Why don't you give a try?"

Jimin read the company name and sighs "I don't need Mr.Min. even tho I got selected on this Job, I don't know, If I could move to seoul.." He sighs "Leaving My grand parents are so hard for me" He shaked his head and puts the paper to Mr.Min's side. "Busan is fine, affordable salary, being with family is enough"

Mr.Min smiled at him for a second and nodded to him "It's totally okay and I understood." He said and he put the paper to Jimin's side "Keep this paper to you..who knows You might have idea for it" He showed his gummy smile and stoodup to leave Jimin.

Jimin looked at the paper and looked back at Mr.Min who talking to another person, Jimin slowly smiled to himself  It's not only for Them.


"Room No 203" The Receptionist  informed to Taehyung, who nodded to her. "Here Uncle Jeon" He said as he and him, both took the elevator to reach the floor. And the elevator clicked to open,both enter the floor.

They both reach the room. "Wait, uncle Jeon. I'll talk to Mr.park then you'll enter" Taehyung informed as Mr.Jeon nodded. Taehyung entered the room as he see Old Man who lay on bed as his eyes stare at old lady who cutting the apple in tiny tiny pieces. he can scan the room which is need and healthy while Mr.park checking the Medicine using his bill papers. Taehyung mentally shaked his head as none of the people didn't notice his existence.

Taehyung smiled and called him "Mr.park?"

Mr.park immediately stoodup snd welcomed Taehyung "Mr.kim...How you know about us?" He asked as he made Taehyung to sat on the free seats.

"Uncle Jeon told me to get information about you, when it comes to know your situation, he made me to visit hospital." Taehyung said and flashed his boxy smile to Mr.park. "how sweet he is" Old lady said,

"Oh, uncle Jeon also here..he is waiting outside" Taehyung suddenly informed them as Mr.park immediately stoodup to open the door, "Sir," Mr.park was stunned at him "Mr.Jeon, I - I'm sorry that I didn't inform about-"

"Mr.park, Let me just meet your father" he made him calm by pat his shoulder as Mr.park gesture him to meet his father. They're all talked to eachother. As Mr.Jeon told Mr.park's father to take good food.

"Here" Taehyung give the flowers and some fruits to the Grand father. "Wow" Grandpa smiled at the gift which he spotted a huge chocolate with Milk favor as he try to took that one,

"Doctor said No chocolate" The old Lady snatched the chocolate from him, and Mr.Jeon glared at Taehyung "Who the earth, bring chocolate to old Man who is sick of heart attack?" He whisperly said,

"Chocolate will heal everything uncle Jeon" Taehyung innocently said that make everything smile including Grandpa who is sad because of chocolate.


"Ugh?" Jungkook touched his head and crunched his nose "What the heck?" He said to himself and opened his eyes to scan where he is?

"What?" He asked as he looked around, it was completely different from.what he saw yesterday night. "Okie New place..and-" he looked beside as he could see No one.

The room was good but there's some  clothes throws away on the floor and he squints his eyes to know that his clothes and soon, he realised he is naked. Some condom pocket of three cover lay on the floor, he smirked as he proud of himself that he ruined someone with three more rounds. He sighs tiredly as he picked his shirt and pants as checked his pockets and found Nothing.


He mumbled to himself and put on the shirt. Soon, someone opened the door. He looked at the Main door but it was the toilet one. A beautiful guy came as he wear only the towel.

"Who are you?" Jungkook asked as he buttonup his shirts "Woah! This is not new for me but I'll answer anyway.. Call me Momo and to your surprise, yesterday nights I'm the one who you fucked up" The guy said as he slowly lightup the cigarette.

Jungkook blinked his eyes as he stunned, "A boy?" He whispered "Yeah, A dick" Momo said exhaled the smoking air.

Jungkook doesn't feel anything, disgusting? No. Proud? Definitely No, feel wrong? Nope! but why he doesn't feel anything, is he bi? No not open that door! Jungkook thoughts jumping everywhere as he forgot that the guy looking at him seductively.

"I'm leaving" he mumbled and heeled up to leave, "Not without this?" Momo raised Jungkook's wallet and throws at him who catched it immediately.. Jungkook opened his wallet as his Money wasn't stolen.

"How much?" Jungkook asked him, Momo showed his five fingers twice, and Jungkook gives all of his money to him.

"Woah, rich people have hearts too" Momo said and puts down the Money "Will you visit me again?" He asked seductively as Jungkook stopped at the door way.


"You are different from all my clients"

"I'm not your client"

"That's totally fine, here" Momo gave a tiny paper to Jungkook which he wrote a number, "Call me when you're bored" he said and kissed Jungkook's cheeks as he closed the door while smirked at Jungkook.

"Momo" he mumbled and folded the paper, put it on his pocket. He fished his another pocket to search the phone, 269 missed calls.

"Oh shit" he said and dialled to the caller I'd Tae."Let's prepare for the funeral"he told himself while he hear the ringing sound.

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